Here are some commonly asked questions about the Digital Humanities. Let us know if your questions haven’t been answered here. We’re eager to help.
- How do the various types of digital projects align with different academic disciplines?
- How long do most of these workshops take to deliver, and how much out-of-class time is involved for faculty? For students?
How do the various types of digital projects align with different academic disciplines?
Most tools and project types can be used effectively across most academic subject areas. That said, here are some general affinities between major fields and project types:
- Maps and Timelines > Art History, Classics, English, French Studies, German Studies, Hispanic Studies, History, Philosophy, Religious Studies
- Essays and Multimedia Presentations > All fields
- Network Visualizations > All fields
- Text Analytics > Classics, English, French Studies, German Studies, Hispanic Studies, History, Philosophy, Religious Studies
How long do most of these workshops take to deliver, and how much out-of-class time is involved for faculty? For students?
Most workshops take (at most) one one-hour class session to deliver. The faculty member’s investment of time can vary from two hours to ten hours, depending on how complex a project is, how much they want to be involved in coming up with project ideas for their classes, and how much time they want to spend evaluating students’ work. Same with student involvement.