September 3 |
Antioxidants: Suddenly a foe once you have cancer Leslie Saucedo University of Puget Sound, Biology Department 4 pm, Thompson 175 |
September 10 |
Fall Student Research Symposium All summer science research students will present posters of their research 4 pm to 6 pm, Harned Colonnade |
September 17 |
Land, livelihood, and legacy: Community-based conservation and natural resource management--Lessons from a year of study and international travel as a 2014 Watson Fellow Kelsey Crutchfield-Peters ’14 4 pm, Thompson 175 |
September 24 |
How to build a mouse muscle in 3 easy steps: Functional divergence of myogenic transcription factors Melissa Conerly Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center 4 pm, Thompson 175 |
October 1 |
Applying evolutionary ecology to real-world problems Megan Van Etten University of Michigan, Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology 4 pm, Thompson 175 |
October 8 |
Larkspurs in the wake of the flood: Origin and diversification of an endangered PNW wildflower Keith Karoly Reed College, Biology Department 4 pm, Thompson 175 |
October 15 |
Extensive antibody mutations and the road to HIV vaccine discovery Mesfin Mulugeta Gewe Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center 4 pm, Thompson 175 |
October 22 |
Larval biology of organisms from deep-sea cold seeps and hydrothermal vents Shawn Arellano Western Washington University, Shannon Point Marine Center 4 pm, Thompson 175 |
October 29 |
Ion mobility mass spectrometry: New instrumentation and applications to structural biology Matthew Bush University of Washington, Department of Chemistry 4 pm, Thompson 175 |
November 5 |
Does mate choice speed adaptation in the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster? Devin Arbuthnott University of Washington, Department of Pathology 4 pm, Thompson 175 |
November 12 |
Discovery of novel per- and polyfluorinated alkyl substances (PFASs) in aqueous film-forming foam (AFFF) and AFFF-impacted groundwater Krista Barzen-Hanson Oregon State University, Chemistry Department 4 pm, Thompson 175 |
November 19 |
Mercury cycling in Pacific Northwest forests Abir Biswas Biogeochemist, The Evergreen State College 4 pm, Thompson 175 |
November 26 | Thanksgiving |
December 3 |
Blue whales: Great size, tiny prey Louise McGarry Cornell University, Ocean Resources & Ecosystems Program 4 pm, Thompson 175 |
Fall 2015 Schedule
Spring 2016 Schedule
January 21 |
Get stressed! Protein degradation in plant responses to the environment Bryan Thines University of Puget Sound, Biology Department 4 pm, Thompson 175 |
January 28 |
Coupled vibrations in musical drumheads: Experimental and numerical methods Rand Worland University of Puget Sound, Physics Department 4 pm, Thompson 175 |
February 4 |
Chemical and biological sensing using liquid crystals Sandra Ward University of Puget Sound, Chemistry Department 4 pm, Thompson 175 |
February 11 |
Aging brains and lifestyle choices: From humans to bumblebees Sue Hannaford University of Puget Sound, Biology Department 4 pm, Thompson 175 |
February 18 |
Aneuploidy and adaptation in yeast Maitreya Dunham University of Washington, Genome Science Department 4 pm, Thompson 175 |
February 25 |
Methods promoting forest recovery by accelerating ecological succession Jenise Bauman Western Washington University, Huxley College of the Environment 4 pm, Thompson 175 |
March 3 |
Gene regulation in Borrelia burgdorferi, the tick-borne agent of Lyme disease Scott Samuels University of Montana, Division of Biological Sciences 4 pm, Thompson 175 |
March 10 |
The Visioneers: How a group of elite scientists pursued space colonies, nanotechnologies, and a limitless future Patrick McCray University of California Santa Barbara, History Department 4 pm, Thompson 175 |
March 17 | Spring Break |
March 24 |
Accretion of the Olympic Mountains and the Eocene transformation of Washington geology Jeff Tepper University of Puget Sound, Geology Department 4 pm, Thompson 175 |
March 31 |
Exploring the molecular mechanisms that allow plants to interpret light signals and alter their development Keisha Carlson University of Puget Sound, Biology Department 4 pm, Thompson 175 |
April 7 |
Sex, stress, and plastics: How the brain responds to chemicals in the environment Siddharth Ramakrishnan University of Puget Sound, Biology and Neuroscience Departments 4 pm, Thompson 175 |
April 14 |
The maintenance of an ecologically relevant trait in nature: Herbicide resistance in the common morning glory, Ipomoea purpurea Regina Baucom University of Michigan, Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology 4 pm, Thompson 175 |
April 21 |
Investigating metacognition and learning: Implications for teachers and students Amy Siegesmund Pacific Lutheran University, Biology Department 4 pm, Thompson 175 |
April 28 |
Building a brain with stem cells: TAF lessons from fruit flies Alexandre Neves Postdoc, Eisenman Lab, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center 4 pm, Thompson 175 |