Knowledge, Identity, & Power

Approved Courses

Students must satisfy the Knowledge, Identity, and Power (KNOW) Core Requirement by completing two courses that have been approved to meet that requirement, one of which must be taken at the 300 level or above. Courses taken credit/no credit will not fulfill KNOW core requirements.

Learning Objectives

Courses in Knowledge, Identity and Power (KNOW) provide a specific site for students to understand the dynamics and consequences of power differentials, inequalities, and divisions among social groups and the relationship to the representation and production of knowledge. Students also develop their capacity to communicate meaningfully about power, disparity, and diversity of experiences and identities in these courses.


  1. These courses provide regular opportunities for students to engage in dialogue about issues of knowledge, identity, and power, and promote critical understanding of the causes, nature, and consequences of individual, institutional, cultural, and/or structural dynamics of disparity, power, and privilege.
  2. These courses require students to examine their own social positions and lived experiences, and make connections between themselves and course concepts related to disparity, power and privilege—whether local, international, global, historical, or contemporary in scope—in at least two substantive assignments that are part of the overall evaluation for the course. 
  3. These courses require students to engage at multiple points during the semester with materials focused on issues of disparity, power, and privilege that were authored or created by historically marginalized individuals, and/or materials that directly engage with experiences or creative works of marginalized individuals or communities. 
  4. KNOW courses may also fulfill other program or graduation requirements.

Resources for Students