Suicide Prevention

Concern about the possibility of suicide is understandable on any college campus. We know that suicide is the second-highest cause of death (following accidents) nationally for people in the college-age group. To continue the work of making Puget Sound as safe an environment as possible, we need suicide prevention to be everyone’s responsibility. None of us can see and hear all that goes on around us, so we all have to be alert to signs of distress in others. 

For more information, please refer to the campus suicide prevention plan below. If you are looking for resources specific to faculty and staff, please go to the Helping a Student

To request the “Talk Saves Lives” suicide prevention gatekeeper training workshop for yourself or your class/department/organization/club, please contact Danielle Bus, RN


No institution can guarantee students will never attempt or complete suicide, and no single prevention effort can best serve all students. At the University of Puget Sound, we implement many different strategies contributing to our overall suicide prevention program. The following are steps based on current research and best practice approaches.

  • CHWS services are advertised to all incoming students via a brochure sent to their homes before arrival on campus.

  • Trained mental health professionals in CHWS (253.879.1555) are available free of charge to all students enrolled at Puget Sound.

  • Advanced training and supervision: Pre-doctoral psychology interns at CHWS receive specific advanced training and supervision in suicide assessment, intervention, and documentation.

  • Experienced medical staff: CHWS medical staff are experienced working with mental health issues in the college population.

  • Psychiatric evaluation and treatment are available on campus via referral from one of the CHWS professional staff.

  • Referral to professionals in the community is provided when a student prefers off-campus treatment or when CHWS staff cannot meet treatment needs.

  • MultiCare after hours consulting nurse service 253.693.7713
  • Campus Security (253.879.3311) is on duty 24/7. Our Security staff can connect to other Puget Sound support staff or Tacoma emergency services as needed.

  • Transportation to local hospitals: If urgent transportation to a local hospital is needed, but an ambulance is not necessary, staff in Campus Security, CHWS, or the Dean of Students Office can arrange for taxi service.

  • Paraprofessional training: Resident Directors, RAs, RCCs, and GHCs living in campus residence units annually receive training in suicide awareness, prevention, and referral skills.

  • No Weapons Policy: Reducing access to weapons is a proven approach to reducing suicides. Weapons are not allowed on our campus. See the Firearms/Weapons Policy.

  • Student Alert Group: Composed of administrators from Academic Affairs and Student Affairs, this committee meets weekly to coordinate individualized responses to support students identified as struggling.

  • Medical Withdrawal Policy: If a medical or mental health issue makes it impossible for a student to complete a semester, the University of Puget Sound allows students to petition for a Medical Withdrawal. See the Medical Withdrawal policy.

  • Emergency Administrative Withdrawal Policy: Emergency Administrative Withdrawal may be an appropriate response to a sudden and catastrophic incident in a student’s life that prevents them from completing the semester’s work. See the Emergency Administrative Withdrawal policy.

  • Faculty availability and training: Puget Sound faculty have available information about mental health issues common in the college population and are frequently reminded about the support services available on campus. Faculty here have a relatively small number of advisees, enabling familiarity with most students.