Vision Statement

The Greek community at the University of Puget Sound is founded upon the “Four Pillars” of Leadership, Scholarship, Service and Tradition. These pillars represent the commitment from each fraternity and sorority to the values of our community.

Greek Life at Puget Sound

The Greek community at Puget Sound has a rich and storied tradition, dating back more than 80 years. Since then, thousands of alumni have proudly and fondly looked back on their years as a member of the Greek community as a key part of their Puget Sound experience. Over the years, fraternities and sororities have played a major role in shaping student life at Puget Sound.

Most of what you know about Greek life is probably gleaned from movies like “Legally Blonde” or “Revenge of the Nerds.” In truth, being a member of a fraternity or sorority is much more than what is portrayed in TV. For example, did you know that 48% of US presidents have been Greek, 42% of current US Senators are Greek, and 30% of Fortune 500 executives are Greek? At Puget Sound, we have members of Greek organizations representing the student body on the Associated Student executive board. You will also find fraternity and sorority members in most campus organizations, many of them in leadership positions.

Of course, you may hear a few negative comments about Greek Life at Puget Sound before you even step foot on campus. We encourage you to explore Greek Life and answer those assumptions for yourself.
