Panhellenic Documents

Panhellenic Documents

Code of Ethics

With the initiation vows that each woman pledges in joining her fraternity, she also promises to maintain and uphold the following values that are shared by the University of Puget Sound Greek women’s community. This promise bonds her not only to her house, but to the entire Greek community.

I will hold myself and other Greek Women accountable for their actions. I will respect and support the women in my community. I will serve my Greek, campus, and surrounding communities with my head, heart, and hands. I will strive to help form a community of intelligent women who value education and strength. I will be true to myself.

By holding myself and other Greek women accountable for our actions I agree to follow all university, chapter, Greek community and surrounding community expectations, and to take action to assure the other women of my community are upholding these as well. I also recognize that any action taken by any Greek woman reflects back on the community, and will strive to make the reflections positive.

By respecting and supporting the women in my community I recognize each Greek woman as providing a positive individual influence. I also acknowledge that by realizing the significance of each woman I will strengthen the community as a whole.

By serving my communities with all of my abilities I will value and utilize the opportunities I have to give back to the different parts of my life. I agree to support both the philanthropic activities and the sharing of this common experience.

By striving to help form a community of intelligent women who value education and strength I recognize that every moment is a possible experience and my willingness to learn will never cease. I will continue to grow personally, which will allow the Greek community to grow as well.

By being true to myself I know that at the base of the community there are individuals, and I am one of them. I am a part of this community because I share common values which I have built and will continue to expand on. I recognize that from this community I have support. I also know that I will always be an individual, but Greek Life has become a part of me.

We, the fraternity women of America, stand for service through the development of character inspired to be the close contact and deep friendship, of individual fraternity, and Panhellenic life. The opportunity for wide and wise human service, through mutual respect and helpfulness, is the tenet by which we strive to live.

Panhellenic Creed

We, as undergraduate members of women’s fraternities, stand for good scholarship, for guarding good health, for maintenance of fine standards, and for serving to the best of our ability, our college community. Cooperation of furthering fraternity life, in harmony with its best possibilities, is the ideal that shall guide our fraternity activities.

We, as Fraternity women, stand for service through the development of character inspired by the close contact and deep friendship of individual fraternity and Panhellenic life. The opportunity for wide and wise human service, through mutual respect and helpfulness, is the tenet by which we strive to live.

Our Relationship to NPC and the University of Puget Sound

As women of the Greek Community, we strive to uphold and live by the National Panhellenic Council’s Creed and Unanimous Agreements, our Panhellenic Policies, and the University’s Student Integrity Code. We will promote mutual respect and support of Greek and non-Greek women, as well as, each Greek Chapter within the Panhellenic and Interfraternity Councils. All members shall portray a positive representation of the Greek Community as a whole to the university, the administration, and the campus community. We will strive to sustain supportive relationships with all Puget Sound students, and furthermore support the Greek Community as a whole.

Our Relationship to Each Other

Panhellenic will work towards unity of the community through open communication, cooperation, and equal representation of all chapters. As members, we will strive to achieve academic, philanthropic and moral excellence as a Greek community. Each Panhellenic member will be held accountable for her actions and behavior, be respectful of herself and of others, be conscious of her actions, and at all times avoid projecting negativity regarding individual chapters or the Greek community. We will nurture an environment of sisterhood and camaraderie throughout the Greek community.

The Values of Our Community

As a Panhellenic Council, we believe that trust needs to exist between chapter members and between chapters with Panhellenic to assure the continued development and success of the Greek community. We will show loyalty, honesty, and courtesy to all member of Panhellenic. We agree not to harm ourselves, each other, or the standards and beliefs that one may value. We will extend allegiance and exhibit pride in the Greek community and the University of Puget Sound.

We shall at all times affirm and uphold these ethical standards, let them drive our actions, uphold our values, and guide each member of Panhellenic to successful membership recruitment and excellence as a Greek member.