Puget Sound Sororities

Alpha Phi
Alpha Phi - University of Puget Sound
1500 N. Warner St. CMB 3043, Tacoma, WA 98416-4902
Chapter President - Sadie Carter (aphigammazetapresident@gmail.com)
Chapter Advisor - Rachel Mazoff
Also Known As - “A Phi”
Chapter - Gamma Zeta
National Founding - 1872, Syracuse, New York
Local Founding - 1953
Alpha Phi website
Delta Delta Delta
Delta Delta Delta - University of Puget Sound
1500 N Warner St. CMB 1136, Tacoma, WA 98416
Chapter President - Chantal Nava (phizetatrideltaccp@gmail.com)
Also Known As - "Tri Delta" Chapter - Phi Zeta
National Founding - 1888, Boston, Massachusetts
Local Founding - 2017
Tri Delta Website

Gamma Phi Beta
Gamma Phi Beta - University of Puget Sound
1500 N. Warner St. CMB 1118, Tacoma, WA 98416-4911
Chapter President - Allison Callstrom (ups.gammaphi.president@gmail.com)
Chapter Advisor- Kailee Lant
Also Known As - “Gamma Phi”
Chapter - Gamma Epsilon
National Founding - 1874, Syracuse, New York
Local Founding - 1961
Gamma Phi Beta website

Pi Beta Phi
Pi Beta Phi - University of Puget Sound
Chapter President - Hayley Lindsley (cpwagamma@gmail.com)
Chapter Advisor - Debbie Faulkner
Also Known As - “Pi Phi”
Chapter - Washington Gamma
National Founding - 1867, Monmouth, Illinois
Local Founding - 1948

Kappa Alpha Theta
Kappa Alpha Theta - University of Puget Sound
1500 N. Warner St. CMB 2513, Tacoma, WA 98416-4906
Chapter President - Delaney Mitchell (ceo.deltaiota@gmail.com)
Chapter Advisor - Lindsay Brouillet
Also Known As - “Theta”
Chapter - Delta Iota
National Founding - 1870, Greencastle, Indiana
Local Founding - 1963
Kappa Alpha Theta website