Leadership Awards

Outstanding Program Award Descriptions

The Outstanding Program Awards were established by the Division of Student Affairs in 1996. These awards are given to student groups that exemplify leadership by providing the university community outstanding programs that accomplish one of three goals: promoting an understanding of diversity, increasing school spirit or fostering service to others.

  • Diversity Programming Award: This award is presented to the group(s) which improved the campus climate by presenting a program or programs of lasting impact that increased students’ understanding of peoples (diversity includes, among others: race, ethnicity, gender, age, class, sexual orientation, religion, or disability).
  • W. Houston Dougharty Hearthstone Award: Presented annually by the Union Board to an individual or group who has contributed, over the year, to enhancing life in the student center. The role of the college union is as the living room or "hearthstone" of the college. "The union serves as a unifying force in the life of the college, cultivating enduring regard for and loyalty to the college."
  • Spirit Programming Award: This award is presented to the group(s) which have brought to the campus community program(s) of lasting impact that improved the campus climate by inspiring renewed school spirit and pride in our campus community.
  • Service Programming Award: This award is given to the group(s) which have provided service programs of lasting impact either on or off campus.
  • Kristine M. Bartanen Ensemble Award: Presented annually by the Dean of Students Office to an individual, a group, or an initiative that emulates a true spirit of collaboration and "ensemble." It was created in 2004 to recognize the outstanding, unselfish, visionary, and collaborative leadership that Dean Bartanen provided when she served as Vice President of Student Affairs and Dean of Students, 1999-2004. She was the original recipient of this award.
  • Race & Pedagogy Student Leadership AwardThis award is given to an individual or collective who contributes to the campus community and beyond by using their voice to move people to action, and taking initiative to dream up innovative ways to address issues of race that challenge this community to be better.

ASUPS Award Descriptions

  • Charles T. Battin Award: Presented to a student with junior or senior standing who has displayed significant potential for future service in the field of government.
  • Norton Clapp Arete Award: An award established in 1983, in honor of the 50th year of trustee service by Norton Clapp, late chairman of the Board of Trustees. Awarded to that graduating senior who, in the course of their college career, has exemplified the highest levels of achievement and personal development.
  • Kleiner Family Endowed Humanitarian Award: An award and scholarship presented to the student who has notably exemplified and fostered the spirit of friendliness and community within the student body.
  • Yumi Kawaji Award: An award commissioned to honor Yumi Kawaji, Class of 1987. Conferred on that independent person whose record of service and leadership best continues the legacy of Yumi Kawaji.
  • Scott Jackson Award: An award commissioned to honor Scott Jackson, ASUPS president in 1979. Given to the independent person whose service and leadership are an exemplary contribution to the university community.
  • Sky Cup Award: An award which honors Sue Yowell, former Assistant Dean of Students. Conferred on the graduating student who has shown proficiency in at least one of the student medias, helped to educate others about the role of the media, and modeled an advocacy for diversity in daily life.
  • Dottie Rasmussen Leadership Award: This award honors the memory and example of alumna Dottie Rasmussen. Given to that outstanding first year, sophomore, or junior whose exemplary leadership has been a significant positive influence within the campus community.
  • Eric J. Konzelman Award: A student-to-student scholarship awarded to the junior who best exemplifies Eric’s leadership in a multitude of on- or off-campus activities.
  • Outstanding Faculty Award: This award honors a university faculty member who supports students in and outside of the classroom.
  • Outstanding Staff Award: This award honors a university staff member who supports students in and outside of the classroom.

Greek Life Award Descriptions

  • Fraternity and Sorority Member of the Year: These awards recognize two individuals who have made outstanding contributions to the Greek, campus, and local communities and have demonstrated a successful balance of academics, leadership, and philanthropic endeavors.

Resident Student Association Award Descriptions

  • Residence Hall of the Year: This award is given to the residence hall which has built the strongest community. Criteria include an active and involved Resident Student Association (RSA), a committed and caring student leaders, and exceptional educational and social engagement.
  • Resident Student Association Members of the Year: This award is given a student members of a Resident Student Association (RSA) Board who has done the most to promote community within the hall and throughout campus, including successfully leading RSA, contributing to RSA President’s Council, developing positive relationships in the hall, and sponsoring programs which foster interaction among residents.
  • Resident Programming Advisor of the Year: This award is given to a Resident Student Association advisor that concurrently serves in a Resident Assistant or Resident Community Coordinator.  This student leader provides strong guidance for their respective RSA executive members and numerous opportunities for their constituents to engage in building healthy community.