Past Awards

The awards below have previously been given out at the annual Puget Sound Leadership Awards:

ASUPS Awards

  • Chimes Cup: Awarded in recognition of the student or students who have given the most unselfish service to the university.
  • Ralph Olson Memorial Award: Awarded to an outstanding senior fraternity member in recognition of their inspiration to the university community.
  • Nancy Riehl Hoff Award: An award in honor of alumna and trustee Nancy Hoff. Awarded to an outstanding senior sorority member in recognition of their inspiration to the university community.
  • Eric Spurrell Memorial Good Government Award: Originally the Sigma Nu Good Government Award, and renamed in memory of a former member of the fraternity, this award is presented to the student who has achieved the most for the cause of good government.
  • Spirit Trophy: Awarded to the person or persons who have done the most to promote school spirit through extracurricular activities.
  • Alumni Association Outstanding  Student Achievement Award: Presented to a graduating senior who has demonstrated unusual ability in a particular endeavor and, as a result, has achieved regional or national recognition.
  • Oxholm Award: Awarded annually to an organization in recognition of superior service to the university.

Greek Life Awards

  • New Member of the Year: This award recognizes new members who pledged in the fall or spring semester of the current year and have demonstrated leadership within the chapter, a balance of Greek life and academics, and outstanding contributions to the chapter and the university.
  • Sophomore of the Year: This award recognizes a sophomore who has made outstanding leadership contributions to their chapter and the campus, demonstrated a balance of Greek life and academics, and has promoted a spirit of interfraternalism within the Greek community.
  • Junior of the Year: This award recognizes a junior who has made outstanding leadership contributions to their chapter and the campus, demonstrated a balance of Greek life and academics, and has promoted a spirit of interfraternalism within the Greek community.
  • Community Service Award: This award recognizes individuals who have excelled and demonstrated exceptional involvement in the area of community service, to include volunteer work, service-related programming, etc. These individuals have demonstrated a balance between academic achievement and Greek involvement and have increased awareness of service within their chapter and/or the Greek community.
  • Fine Arts Award: This award recognizes individuals who have excelled and demonstrated exceptional talent in the area of fine arts, to include music, art, theater, photography, etc. These individuals have demonstrated a balance between academic achievement and Greek involvement and have increased awareness of fine arts within their chapter and/or the Greek community.
  • Athlete of the Year: This award recognizes varsity athletes who have demonstrated a successful balance between academic achievement, Greek involvement, and athletic involvement. Other considerations include number of years participated, any national or local awards, and new records set.
  • Scholar of the Year: This award recognizes members who have succeeded academically, have shown a balance between academics, Greek involvement and campus involvement, have been recognized by honor societies or the Dean’s List, and are focused academically. Other considerations include scholastic-related achievements such as graduate school acceptances or scholarships.
  • Advisor of the Year: This award recognizes alumni advisors who have provided outstanding service to fraternities and sororities during the current year. If your organization feels that your advisor has provided outstanding service to you, or has demonstrated exemplary skill as an advisor, please consider nominating your advisor for the "Advisor of the Year" award.
  • Faculty/Staff Involvement Award: This award recognizes a university faculty or staff member who has exhibited exceptional support, service, and encouragement to fraternity and sorority members, and has dedicated unusual time, effort, and assistance to the Greek community.