Incoming Students

Incoming students should upload immunization records and fill out their health history information using the CHWS portal. It may take several weeks to verify immunization records. If you have any questions about this process, please email or call 253.879.1555.

  • Please log into the CHWS communication portal to upload your immunization records and complete the Health History information. Here, you can upload your immunization records and your insurance card. Please also opt into text message reminders for appointments in the Profile section. You must input your mobile phone carrier in order to receive text messages.
  • Vaccine record review may take several weeks. You will receive a message through the communication portal if further information is required.
  • Our office does not bill insurance for visits, but insurance information may be used for lab billing or referrals to off campus providers when necessary.

Vaccination Requirements

  • All campus members are highly encouraged to stay up-to-date on COVID-19 and other vaccinations. The COVID-19 vaccination is not required for incoming and current students, staff, and faculty. This change follows guidance from the federal and state government and aligns with other institutions of higher education in our region.
  • All students MUST provide proof of MMR vaccination or laboratory proof of immunity through titers. Students who cannot be vaccinated due to medical or religious reasons need to fill out an exemption form. This form is available by logging into the CHWS communication portal. Please note that if you are requesting a medical exemption, documentation from your primary healthcare provider is required.

Health History