
Mandatory Immunization

Incoming students MUST have two rubeola, one rubella, one mumps immunization, or two MMRs (measles, mumps, and rubella) or laboratory proof of immunity through titers to satisfy the immunization requirement.

You must upload copies of the official documentation to the CHWS communication portal. When you are in the communication portal, please complete the health history, upload your insurance card, and opt in to text messaging in the Profile section if you would like text reminders for future appointments if/when scheduled in CHWS.

In addition to the required immunizations, students are recommended to have the following vaccinations: COVID-19, Tetanus, and Meningitis A and B vaccines. Following the American College Health Association’s advice, the university recommends that college students consider vaccination to reduce the risk of this potentially fatal disease.


Vaccines Available at CHWS

Prices for vaccines change year-to-year. Please check with the front desk for the most current prices. Vaccines cannot be billed to insurance, but students may wish to seek reimbursement with their insurance company. All charges will be billed to the student account. 

  • Hepatitis B
  • MMR (measles, mumps, rubella) 
  • Tdap and Td (tetanus)
  • Flu (seasonal)



A titer is a laboratory test that measures the presence and amount of antibodies in the blood. A blood sample is taken and then tested for antibodies. Laboratory proof of immunity through titers can be used to satisfy the immunization requirement. CHWS can draw and send a blood sample to the lab for an antibody titer.   

Please check with the front desk for the most current prices. Lab fees in excess of $100 can be billed to insurance if a current insurance card is on file. Lab fees less than $100 cannot be billed to insurance, but students may wish to seek reimbursement with their insurance company.