Substance Use Education

Substance use education and substance misuse prevention at the University of Puget Sound utilize harm reduction strategies, education, managing risk, and promoting healthy lifestyle choices that respect individual values and beliefs. Some students choose to abstain from the use of alcohol and other drugs. For many students, college is a time of personal growth and experimentation that may include alcohol and/or other substances.

Our substance misuse prevention efforts include outreach and education through social norming and other public health campaigns. We also meet with students due to coming into contact with the Office of Student Accountability and Restorative Practices for violations related to the university’s alcohol and drug policy. For those students, educational workshops or individual substance use assessments are designed to help increase awareness of their actions’ outcomes. These workshops and assessments provide students with accurate information and evidence-based interventions related to college student substance use.

We encourage you to use this website as a resource and tool. Whether you currently use alcohol or other substances, are in recovery, are abstinent, or simply curious, we hope you find this a meaningful forum. We are also available to provide workshops or presentations to specific campus groups or organizations on alcohol and other drug use topics.

If you have questions that are not answered within these pages and links or are interested in getting involved with prevention efforts on campus, please contact CHWS.