In this section

Sept. 2019-Kate Manne, author, “Unassuming: On Epistemic Entitlement, Mansplaining, and Gaslighting”

Sept. 2019-Kate Manne, author, “What is Misogyny? Concepts, Targets, and Triggers”

2017–Tressie McMillan Cottom, "Lessons From Lower Ed: Expanding Education and Addressing Inequality"

2015–William Cronon, "At Home in the Anthropocene: Human Place(s) in Nature"
Program: March 26, 27, 2015

2013-Francis Fukuyama, "The Origins of Political Order"
Program: April 2,3, 2013

2011–Melanie Burford, "From Katrina to the Deepwater Horizon Disaster: The Slow Erosion of the Gulf"

2009–Rebecca Solnit, "Fragments of the Future"

2007–Philip Mirowski, "The State of the Economics of Science"

2004–James Patterson,"Brown v. Board of Education"

2003–Robert Gooding-Williams,"Du Bois, Douglass, and Political Philosophy"

1996–Edward Linenthal,"Representing War and Holocaust in American Culture: The Politics of Memory"

1993–Richard Pipes, "Communism: The Vanished Specter"

1991–Clayborn Carson,"Martin Luther King Jr. and the Black Religious Tradition"

1987–Richard Fagen,"The United States and Central America: Past, Present, and Future"

1985–Rosemary R. Ruether, "Theology, Social Oppression, and Human Hope"

1982–Theodore J. Lowi,"The Welfare State and the State of Welfare"

1979–Ronald H. Paulson,"Constable and the English Landscape Tradition"

1978–Frederick Franck, "The Human Image Reaffirmed"

1977–Denys E. Haynes,"The Conquest of Freedom in Archaic Greek Art"

1976–Robert Bellah,"Religion and the Future of America"

1975Marius B. Jansen, "Japan’s Bicentennial: Two Centuries of Change in World View"

1974–John K. Fairbank,"The Multiple Impacts of U.S.-China Relations"

1973–Germaine Bree, "Women Writers in France"

1972–Ian L. McHarg, "Design With Nature"

1971–William J. Campbell,"How Goes the Arctic?"

1970–Hans Rosenwald, "Artistic Phantasy and the Humanist Persuasion"

1969–Rollo May, "Psychoanalysis and Greek Drama"

1968–Arthur E. Bestor,"Habeas Corpus and the American Constitution, 1789–1967"

1967–George P. Murdock, "An Anthropologist’s View of Some Major Contemporary Problems"

1966–Kenneth E. Boulding, "The Impact of the Social Sciences"

1965–Peter H. Odegard, "Political Power and Social Change"

1964–Philip H. Phenix,"Man and His Becoming"

1963–Henry Nash Smith, "Mark Twain’s View of the Industrial Revolution"

1962–T. Harry Williams, "McClellan, Sherman, and Grant"

1961–Hadley Cantril, "Human Nature and Political Systems"

1960–Philip M. Hauser, "The Population Explosion"

1959–David Fellman,"The Limits of Freedom"

1958–Howard Mumford Jones,"Reflections on Learning"

1957–Theodore M. Greene,"Moral, Aesthetic, and Religious Insight"

1956–Henry L. Shapiro,"Aspects of Culture"

1955–Merle Curti,"The American Paradox"

1954–John Kenneth Galbraith, "Economics and the Art of Controversy"

1953–Kent R. Greenfield, "The Historian and the Army"