Academic & Administrative Policies

All members of the university community are responsible for adhering to the policies published in the University of Puget Sound Bulletin.

Additional copies of the Bulletin may be obtained in the Office of the Registrar (Jones Hall, Room 013), or by calling 253.879.3217.

To see information about academic and administrative policies view the Bulletin and search for a topic or category by using ctrl+F (find).


View University Bulletins


Academic Policies

It is the responsibility of the student to comply with the academic and administrative regulations and procedures relating to his or her course of study at the university as contained in the Bulletin and in the student handbook.

Although the university intends to be fair in the application of its rules, a student may petition the Academic Standards Committee for the waiver of a university regulation provided the student can demonstrate extraordinary conditions or a reasonable alternative. Such a petition may be granted if, in the judgment of the committee, the waiver is justified or in the student’s best educational interest. Some requirements are not petitionable as listed in the section titled “Petitions for Exceptions to University Policies.”

The university reserves the right to change the fees, rules, and calendar regulating admission and registration; to change regulations concerning instruction and graduation from the university and its various divisions; to withdraw courses; and to change any other regulation affecting the student body. Changes go into effect whenever the proper authorities so determine and apply not only to prospective students, but also to those who, at that time, are enrolled at the university.

Because the university is subject to changes, information in this publication is not to be regarded as creating a binding contract between the student and the university.

The university reserves the authority to deny admission, to dismiss a student when formal action is taken by the Academic Standards Committee or a Hearing Board, to discontinue the enrollment of any student when personal actions are detrimental to the university community, to discontinue enrollment of a student in violation of the Student Integrity Code.