Dean of Students Office

1500 N. Warner St.
CMB 1069
Tacoma, WA 98416-1069

Wheelock 208


Puget Sound’s Student Handbook sets out our community’s expectations for academic and student life, the policies and practices that support our community and allow us to work well with one another, and the processes by which we deal with conflicts and breaches of community standards. We expect that every student will become familiar with the information on these pages and take advantage of additional information about the campus community that is posted on the university’s website.

The Handbook consists of the following:

  • The academic and administrative policies described in the University Bulletin.
  • The residential, campus, and social policies described in the Student Integrity Code. 

We wish you a most successful academic year and look forward to joining you for various university traditions and events. Please be in contact with us if you have questions, concerns, or suggestions about life at Puget Sound. We’re glad that you are members of our community.

Sarah Comstock, Vice President for Student Affairs
Drew Kerkhoff, Provost