Division of Student Affairs

1500 N. Warner St. #1069 
Tacoma, WA 98416-1069

Wheelock Student Center, Room 208



8 a.m.–noon & 1–5 p.m.

The Division of Student Affairs supports the educational mission of the university and encourages the development of students as citizen leaders in a global society. We are educational partners with faculty, staff, and students. Together, we provide a seamless web of services, while role modeling integrity, collaboration, respect for human diversity, fairness, and social responsibility.

Sarah Comstock

Hello Loggers, and welcome to the Division of Student Affairs.  

The five departments within Student Affairs support the educational mission of the university and encourage the development of students as citizen leaders in a global society. We are educational partners with faculty, staff, and students. Together, we provide a seamless web of services, while role modeling integrity, collaboration, respect for human diversity, fairness, and social responsibility.

As a team of educators we work to support our student community by embedding three important pillars into everything we do: sense of belonging, alignment of self and community, and holistic wellness.  

  • Sense of Belonging: As university partners in the creation of a truly residential campus, the Division of Student Affairs strives to offer a deep sense of belonging for students such that they feel connected to their campus, cultivate positive relationships, and develop life-long memories.
  • Alignment of Self and Community: As we align with Puget Sound’s mission to develop the next generation of leaders, Student Affairs aims to support students in becoming more effective communicators, enhancing their problem-solving skills, practicing introspection, and cultivating their capacity for self-awareness.
  • Holistic Wellness: The work that is done by the Division of Student Affairs seeks to support this understanding and connect it to wellness for our students. Holistic wellness can include many areas such as emotional, social, physical, spiritual, and intellectual. Connecting to what our students’ understanding of their individual wellness is allows us to support students as they progress toward graduation. 

These themes help shape our daily work and guide our long term goals, while centering you, our student community.
On behalf of everyone in Student Affairs, let me say that we look forward to having you join us during your Puget Sound journey.  

Sarah Comstock