Call for Help

Students are both encouraged and expected to engage in a community of active and interdependent responsibility towards one another, wherein the health and safety of their fellow students is of principal concern.

To ensure students receive immediate and appropriate attention for alcohol, marijuana, and other illicit substance intoxication, without fear of recourse for seeking such assistance, the University of Puget Sound has instituted this Call for Help Process.

Student(s) who call Security Services for concerns about themselves, or call Security Services on behalf of an intoxicated student, even if the student(s) who call provided alcohol and/or other illicit substances, will not be charged with an intoxication violation of the Student Integrity Code, provided the callers stay with the intoxicated student until help arrives. In addition, the student who is in need of medical assistance will not be charged with a substance abuse violation.

Although violations involving alcohol and drug use are typically resolved through Student Conduct, incidents which result in a student seeking help for oneself, or for another person, will instead result in an educational meeting to discuss the circumstances that led to the health and safety concerns. Students involved will be assigned educational assignments in lieu of conduct sanctions. There will be no record of student substance abuse violations for these incidents; however, failure to complete the required assignments in a timely way will result in conduct proceedings for both any alleged substance abuse violation, and for the failure to complete the required assignment. Students will be responsible for any relevant costs associated with alcohol or drug interventions or assignments.

This Call for Help Process applies only to violations involving alcohol and/or illicit substances and does not apply to other conduct prohibited by the Student Integrity Code, and does not apply to students for similar, repeat offenses.

In cases where help is needed but not sought, a more severe disciplinary action will be taken against all students involved.