Resolution Process

For cases not requiring an investigation, the Director of Student Accountability & Restorative Practices or their designee will determine the level of conduct hearing needed. This determination will be made by taking into account the severity of the alleged violation and past conduct history of the respondent. For incidents where the severity of the incident is minor and/or the student does not have more than one prior conduct case (with a responsible finding), the case will be heard by the Peer Board or a hearing officer. If a student’s case is assigned to the Peer Board or a hearing officer and they would prefer the other venue, they must make the request to the Office of Student Accountability & Restorative Practices no later than two (2) business days prior to the scheduled hearing.

For cases that require an investigation, cases that are deemed more severe in nature, and/or cases in which the student, group, or organization has more than one prior student conduct case (with responsible findings), the student/group/organization will be assigned to an Integrity Board hearing. An Integrity Board hearing will be preceded by an optional meeting with the Director of Student Accountability & Restorative Practices or their designee to review board procedures. In the event that an Integrity Board hearing is unable to be scheduled within seven (7) business days, the student/group/organization will be assigned to a hearing officer. Following an investigation or preceding an Integrity Board hearing, the Director of Student Accountability & Restorative Practices, or their designee, may propose an informal resolution agreement, which allows the respondent to accept responsibility for violations of the Student Integrity Code and agree to complete the proposed sanctions. The respondent can either agree to the informal resolution agreement or move forward with an Integrity Board hearing. By agreeing to an informal resolution agreement, the respondent waives their right to an appeal. The informal resolution agreement differs from the informal resolutions described below (Peer Board and Hearing Officers) in that the student works directly with the Director of Student Accountability & Restorative Practices, or their designee, to accept responsibility and proposed sanctions rather than moving forward to a hearing.

Cases involving alleged violations of the Campus Policy Prohibiting Sex-Based Discrimination, Sexual Harassment, and Sexual Misconduct will not be heard by any of the venues described below. For procedures regarding the Sexual Misconduct Board, see the student procedures for the Campus Policy Prohibiting Sexual Misconduct.

Cases involving alleged violations of the Academic Handbook will be forwarded to the Office of the Provost or their designee.