Review of Procedures

Review of the Student Integrity Code will happen annually under the direction of the Dean of Students and/or their designee(s) with particular attention paid to, but not limited by: change in federal, state, and city laws and statutes, and university policy and procedure. To propose a change to the Student Integrity Code or Procedures, one must submit a written proposal to the Director of Rights and Responsibilities via email ( describing the current language, the proposed language, and the justification for the proposed change. Typical proposals include edits for clarification, procedural changes, and policy changes. Proposals will be considered by the Dean of Students, Student Senate, and/or the faculty student life committee; proposals deemed appropriate will be submitted to the Board of Trustees on no less than a biennial basis. The Board of Trustees is solely responsible for final approval of all revisions and amendments to the Student Integrity Code. Revisions and edits of a non-policy nature may be made to the Student Integrity Code at the discretion of the Dean of Students or their designee(s). Notification of updates or amendments to the policy or procedures will be given via Puget Sound email and through the university website.