Rights & Responsibilities

Every student going through the conduct process as a complainant or respondent has a series of rights and responsibilities afforded to them as they navigate the process.

Every student going through the conduct process as a complainant or respondent has the following rights:

  • To receive notification in writing of an investigation or hearing and the alleged violation(s) of the Student Integrity Code.
  • To receive notification in writing of the decision and any applicable sanction(s).
  • To ask for a change in hearing officer or Integrity Board member, or Sexual Misconduct Board member due to demonstrated conflict of interest.
  • To have at least five (5) business days from the notice of a hearing before the Integrity Board, or Sexual Misconduct Board to prepare their case, unless such notice is waived.
  • To have a pre-hearing meeting for cases adjudicated through an Integrity Board, or Sexual Misconduct Board.
  • To have a timely and fair process as outlined in the conduct procedures.
  • To have confidentiality as applicable.
  • To have a support person at any/all meetings, including investigations and hearings.
  • To have the presumption of:
    • not having violated the Student Integrity Code or other policy,
    • to have the burden of proof put upon the university,
    • and to have violations decided by a preponderance of the evidence standard.
  • To appeal if found responsible for a violation(s) of the Student Integrity Code.
  • To review policies and procedures, and to ask questions.
  • To decline to answer questions or make statements without adverse inference.
    • Exercising one’s right not to share information, answer questions, or participate in an investigation or hearing does not prohibit the conduct process from moving forward.
  • To participate in the hearing process.

Every student going through the conduct process as a complainant or respondent has the following responsibilities:

  • To know and abide by the Student Integrity Code and policies of the university,
  • To ask for a change in hearing officer or Integrity Board member due to demonstrated conflict of interest,
  • To have a support person at any/all meetings, including investigations and hearings,
  • To decide to appeal or not and follow through with appeal if found responsible for a violation(s) of the Student Integrity Code,
  • To review policy and procedures and ask questions,
  • To decline to answer questions or make statements without adverse inference,
    • Exercising one’s right not to share information, answer questions, or participate in an investigation or hearing does not prohibit the conduct process from moving forward.
  • To participate in the hearing process, and,
  • To check their assigned University of Puget Sound email, as it is the official means of communication for the conduct process.

Student organizations or groups going through the conduct process may designate one student member of the group or organization to represent the student organization or group throughout the resolution process.