Interim Measures


Amy Gauthier, Ed.D

Wheelock Student Center Suite 219


The university may take emergency action when there is information that the continued presence of a student, group, or organization may pose a substantial threat to others or the university’s normal operation. The Associate Dean of Students or their designee may initiate emergency action for an interim period, pending the conduct process. Emergency action may become immediately effective without prior notice.

Emergency action is an interim measure put in place prior to the conduct process. Emergency action includes, but is not limited to, interim suspension, no-contact orders, and discontinuation or restriction of activities. Emergency action will be restricted to the minimum extent necessary. Such restrictions may include, but are not limited to, relocation or removal from residential spaces, restricted access to university property/services/activities, or changes to academic or employment/employment schedules/supervision. The Student Integrity Code prohibits violation or failure to comply with interim measures.

Students, groups, or organizations that have received emergency action may appeal for removal or modification in writing. Appeals must be submitted in writing to the Office of the Dean of Students, no later than five (5) business days from the delivery of the emergency action notification. Appeals will be heard by the Vice President for Student Affairs and Dean of Students. Appeal decisions will be made within five (5) business days. Appeal decisions are final.

As a result of the conduct process, any emergency action measure will be removed, modified, or upheld for a specific period of time or permanently applied.

No Retaliation

The Student Integrity Code prohibits retaliation against any person because of that person’s good-faith participation in the reporting, investigation, or resolution of an alleged violation of the Student Integrity Code. Retaliation can be physical, verbal, via a third party, or using electronic means, and may include harassment, intimidation, threats, or adverse actions against a student, investigator, hearing officer, hearing board member, reporting party, appellate officer, or anyone associated with the conduct process. An honest pursuit of civil, criminal, or other legal action by any party does not constitute retaliation.