

Amy Gauthier, Ed.D

Wheelock Student Center Suite 219


The standards below are set forth in writing in order to give students general notice of prohibited conduct. The standards should be read broadly and are not designed to define non-academic misconduct in exhaustive terms. (See Section: Student Conduct Authority)


A. Forgery, alteration, production of forged or false documents, or misuse of documents.

B. Failure to comply with the reasonable directions of a university official when acting in performance of their duties.

C. Providing false information, withholding information, or misrepresenting information intentionally to a university official, whether oral, written, or electronically. Includes, but is not limited to, providing false identification cards or verbal false information.

D. Falsely reporting an emergency or alleged violation of the Student Integrity Code to a university official. Reports made in good faith will not be considered a violation.

E. Knowingly condoning, encouraging, coercing, requiring, or acting in concert to violate the Student Integrity Code or university policies.

A. Disorderly Conduct: Intentionally or recklessly engaging in a violent, forceful, obscene, dangerous, threatening, or intimidating conduct, or inciting others to engage in such individual or collective conduct that:

i. Willfully inhibits the academic pursuits or educational activities of others; or

ii. Willfully infringes on the rights, privacy, or privileges of others

B. Disruptive Conduct. Intentionally or recklessly engaging in conduct or inciting others to engage in conduct that creates or results in a Material Disruption.

C. Excessive Noise. Intentionally or recklessly causing excessive noise that:

i. Substantially inhibits the academic pursuits or educational activities of others; or

ii. Substantially infringes on the rights, privacy or privileges of others.

D. Guidance for Protests and Demonstrations. The university community supports the right of assembly, demonstration, and protest. For guidance on protests and demonstrations, students should refer to the Statement on Academic Freedom and the Exercise of Free Speech "Statement"). If there is any disagreement between the Code and Statement, the Statement will govern.

E. Students can be found in violation of Section 2 of the Code if they are informed by university officials that they are creating a Material Disruption and do not make the requested adjustments to their assembly, demonstration, or protest to eliminate the Material Disruption.

A. Taking, attempting to take, keeping in one’s possession, selling, or attempting to sell property, tangible possession(s), information, services, or accounts belonging to the university or other individual(s).

B. Intentionally defacing grounds or property of the university or other individual(s).

C. Actual or attempted damage or destruction of any property or item, including tangible possession(s), information, and/or accounts.

D. Misuse or abuse of university-owned or controlled property, facilities, equipment, accounts, or resources.

E. Unauthorized access or entry to, into, or onto any university, private, or restricted property.

A. Knowingly engaging in behavior that creates a safety hazard, including, but not limited to, lewd behavior, indecent exposure, pranks, and other actions related to health and cleanliness.

B. Intentionally or recklessly causing physical harm, including, but not limited to, fighting and unwelcome physical contact.

C. Harassment based on an individual’s protected status that is unwelcome and is sufficiently severe, persistent, or pervasive; causes reasonable fear for safety; and/or interferes with or limits employment, education, or ability to participate in or benefit from university programs, activities, or resources.

D. Engaging in any hazing activities as defined prohibited by the university’s Policy Prohibiting Hazing. Hazing includes any act committed as part of a person’s recruitment or initiation, pledging, admission into, or affiliation with a student organization, athletic team, or living  group, or any pastime or amusement engaged in with respect to that organization or group (other than customary athletic events or similar contests or competitions) which, with or without the consent of the participant(s), (a) causes, or is likely to cause, bodily danger  or physical harm, or serious psychological or emotional harm, to any student or other person; (b) subjects a student or other person to  conduct or conditions which a reasonable person in the circumstances would find harmful, including but not limited to excessive psychological or physical discomfort, including causing, directing, coercing, or forcing a person to consume any food, liquid, alcohol, drug, or other substance which subjects the person to risk of harm, alcohol or drug abuse, physical confinement, abandonment, verbal  or physical abuse, or substantial interference with the person’s educational pursuits; or (c) otherwise involves a violation of a law or  university policy or which encourages a student or other person to violate a law or university policy. (see Policy Prohibiting Hazing)

E. Threatening and/or intimidating behavior that expresses or implies interference with personal safety, education, employment, or participation in university activities or resources, or that causes the person(s) to have reasonable fear that such behavior is about to occur.

F. Stalking, both physically and online, including, but not limited to, behavior that threatens or endangers the physical or psychological safety or property of a person(s), or creates a reasonable fear or intimidation of such a threat or action.

G. Creating a fire-safety hazard, including but not limited to intentionally causing a fire, causing a false alarm, failure to evacuate university-controlled property during a fire alarm, improper use of, or, tampering with fire-safety equipment, possession and/or use of fireworks or other incendiary devices, and/or any other actions that create a fire hazard.

H. Possessing, using, or storing weapons on university-controlled property or at university events or programs. (See Weapons Policy).

I. Possessing, using, or storing dangerous chemical or biological substances or explosives.

J. Engaging in violations of another person’s privacy, including but not limited to unauthorized use of electronic or other devices to make an audio, photographic, or video record of a person(s) in a location where there is a reasonable expectation of privacy without prior knowledge or permission in each instance when such a recording is likely to cause injury or distress. The storing, sharing, or distributing of such records by any means also is prohibited, including the unauthorized recording of personal conversations, images, meetings, or activities.

K. Any act or series of acts of physical, social, or emotional domination or intimidation (commonly referred to as “bullying”) that causes actual or fear of physical or psychological harm and/or interferes with or limits employment, education, or ability to participate in or benefit from university programs, activities, or resources.

A. Residence policies apply to all students living in campus residential facilities. (See Residence Policy for more information and details).

A. Actual or attempted alcohol manufacture, distribution, hosting, or sale which is unlawful or otherwise prohibited by the university’s alcohol policy, including providing alcohol to anyone under the age of 21. (See Alcohol and Drug Policy).

B. Actual or attempted possession (including empty containers) or consumption of alcohol while under 21 years of age.

C. Actual or attempted manufacture, distribution, growth, hosting, or sale of drugs, including, but not limited to, cannabis (in all forms), controlled substances, and prescriptions (when used outside of the prescribed instructions/individual), as well as the use of synthetic substances or other items ingested for an intoxication effect.

D. Actual or attempted possession or consumption of drugs including, but not limited to, cannabis (in all forms), controlled substances, and prescriptions (when used outside of the prescribed instructions/individual), as well as the use of synthetic substances or other items ingested for an intoxication effect.

E. Possession or use of drug paraphernalia, including objects used or designed for ingesting, inhaling, or otherwise introducing drugs into the body.

F. Being in the presence of alcohol or other drugs while under 21 years of age.

G. Disorderly or disruptive behavior caused by the use of alcohol or other drugs.

H. Deliberately incapacitating an individual or individuals by providing alcohol or drugs without their knowledge or consent.

I. Failure of a student group or organization to take all necessary steps to ensure that no person under the legal age possesses or consumes alcohol or other drugs at functions it sponsors or organizes, or within any property or transportation it owns, operates, and/or rents. ** (See Alcohol and Drug Policy for further clarification and information.

A. Failure to comply with sanctions assigned through the conduct process, including but not limited to, interim measures.

B. Retaliation through harassing, intimidating, threatening, or taking adverse action against a student, investigator, conduct officer, hearing panel member, reporting party, appellate officer, or anyone associated with the conduct process.

C. Unreasonably delaying the conduct process.

D. Intentionally providing false, distorted or misrepresented information to an investigator, conduct officer, hearing panel, or appellate officer. This does not include a denial of alleged violation(s).

E. Discouraging, influencing, or attempting to discourage or influence an individual’s participation in or use of the conduct process, including, but not limited to, influencing or attempting to influence a complainant, witness, conduct officer, hearing panel member, or appellate officer.

A. Violation of federal or state laws or regulations, or local ordinances.

B. Gambling through profit, staking, or risking something of value upon the outcome of a contest of chance (i.e., sporting event, card game) or future event not under a person’s control or influence with the understanding that the person or another will receive something of value in the event of a certain outcome.

C. Other university policies or regulations that are published in hard copy or available on the university’s website.