
Students found responsible for violation(s) of the Student Integrity Code following an Integrity Board Hearing have the right to an appeal. The appeal process does not include an in-person meeting or a new hearing. Students, groups, or organizations that signed an informal resolution do not have the right to an appeal (See Section: Resolution Process).

Appeals must be submitted within seven (7) business days of the decision letter date. Appeals are to be submitted in writing to the Office of Rights and Responsibilities. Appeals are reviewed by the Vice President for Student Affairs and Dean of Students or their designee.

Appeals are reviewed only under the following conditions. Grounds for appeal include:

  1. new evidence that would impact or alter a decision or sanction that was not available at the time of the hearing;
  2. sanction(s) assigned that were disproportionate compared to the violation or the student’s conduct record;
  3. procedural error that impacted the outcome and prevented the respondent from having a reasonable opportunity to address the allegations; or
  4. action taken that is arbitrary, unreasonable, or unsupported by information and/or documentation.

After review, the Vice President for Student Affairs and Dean of Students or their designee will take one of the following actions:

  1. The decision of the board or hearing officer is upheld, modified, or dismissed.
  2. The assigned sanctions are upheld, modified, or dismissed.
  3. The case will be remanded back to the hearing venue for a new hearing with a new hearing officer or new board members.

Complainants/respondents will receive appeal decisions via their Puget Sound email account. The decision of the Vice President for Student Affairs and Dean of Students or their designee is considered final (with the exception of cases resulting in suspension or expulsion – see below).

Conduct cases that result in suspension or expulsion after an appeal to the Vice President for Student Affairs and Dean of Students or their designee will have one additional opportunity to appeal. These appeals must be submitted to the Provost in writing within seven (7) business days of the appeal decision date. The grounds for appeal and review will follow the above description. Second-level appeals for suspension and expulsion will be reviewed by the Provost or their designee. Decisions for appeals made by the Provost or their designee are considered final.