In this section

The Wheelock Student Center is home to a variety of Student Affairs and Business Services departments as well as ASUPS and many meeting rooms. Decisions on the allocation of space to these various components are made by the Director of Student Life Operations and Union Board. The space assigned to each unit ends at the doorway of each respective unit unless otherwise stipulated here.

The responsibility for the Wheelock Student Center falls under the Division of Student Affairs, specifically the Director of Student Life Operations. This office supervises the day-to-day operation of the center and is responsible, with the help and advice of the Union Board, for developing, implementing, and interpreting all center policies and procedures. In those instances where the exception of policy is requested, or in the absence of a policy statement in regard to a specific set of circumstances, it is understood that the Director of Student Life Operations assumes normal management duties.

Policies for the Wheelock Student Center are primarily developed by the Union Board with the advice and direction from the Director of Student Life Operations. Students, faculty, and staff can submit policy suggestions to the Union Board agenda at any time. The policies and procedures are developed to allow for the smooth operation and usage of the center. They are developed in a manner that attempts to strike a balance between the numerous and varied needs of the facility's patrons and tenants.

The building does not have air conditioning, other than the possibility for room air, not cooled air, to be circulated through the regular system. The air circulation system is computerized and the responsibility of maintaining the system lies with the Facilities Services department. In the Rotunda, the fan that circulates the air in the ceiling is there to push the heat down during the winter. The cooling is done automatically when the room reaches a certain temperature. Outer doors should not be propped open to vent as this will not allow the set temperature to activate properly. Any problems or questions regarding this should be directed to the Director of Student Life Operations (253.879.3931).

There are a variety of rooms available for use by the campus community. Reservations for these rooms can be made through Student Life Operations Office. Rooms are generally unlocked at 7 am on weekdays. If this is not the case or you have a reservation during the weekend, please alert the Information Center and a student staff member will unlock the room.

Call Security at x3311.

It is a state law that you must leave the building if a fire alarm sounds. Please do not stand near entrances to the building as you block access.

The grand piano is reserved for official university functions (i.e., student programs-endorsed events, trustee meetings, etc.), and is not otherwise meant to be moved from its permanent location in the lounge. There is a $50 fee for non-campus groups to use the piano at an event within Wheelock Student Center; use of the piano requires 72 hours advance notice. The piano is available for the non-obtrusive playing of background music, suitable for the leisure and relaxation of users of the lounge. Otherwise, practice pianos are available through the Music Department.

Piano tuning may be necessary, prior to an event, and is at the expense of the user. Piano tuning must be scheduled with the Director of Student Life Operations.

Food and beverages are allowed in all rooms of the Wheelock Student Center. Catering for events must be contracted through Dining and Conference Services. They require approximately one and one-half hour lead-time for setups.

Please contact the Catering Manager at 253.879.3263 with catering questions.

This sign policy is intended to facilitate safe and effective sign mounting as well as prevent damage to facilities. This policy applies to both indoor and outdoor signs.

Signs, posters, advertisements, and other materials cannot be hung on any painted surface or glass surface inside or outside of the Wheelock Student Center. Signs will be removed, and if damages occur, the sponsoring group/organization will be charged. We highly recommend the use of poster putty. Masking tape is acceptable. Duct tape, electrical tape, or other adhesives are not allowed.

Any signs not authorized with a stamp or hung inappropriately will be removed and discarded.

Finally, if a special event warrants the removal of signs from Marshall Hall, every attempt will be made to replace signs in the same location when the event is over, Wheelock Student Center and Facilities Services is not responsible for damage to signs that fall from the wall or are pulled down and damaged in any way.

The Wheelock Student Center will not hang any flyer, banner, or sign that displays the following characteristics:

  • Illicit drugs or drug use (including alcohol consumption)
  • References to committing or having committed bodily harm against another person
  • Slurs or epithets that are inflammatory
  • Does not have the sponsoring group's name or logo
  • Violation of the Student Code of Conduct

Posters, banners, or signs attached or mounted less than six feet above the ground or floor are free of approval requirements.

One-piece posters, banners, and signs that are 3x4 and 3x6 will be hung by the Student Life Operations Office. Banners hung from the loft floor can be 3x4 and hung with string or masking tape only. No Duct Tape Allowed! Signs posted with duct tape will be removed and discarded.

Signs on the brick south wall will be hung no higher than the height of the top railing of the Loft. There is a one-week time frame for this. All signs for the Diversions cafe must be pre-approved by the cafe managers.

Whereas the Union Board encourages the posting of campus events and services, and is also charged with the appearance and policies of the Student Center; Posters, flyers, announcements, and other postings must be stamped and dated by the Information Center or the ASUPS Publicity Office (if public services are being utilized) prior to their display in the Student Center to assure that boards are kept accurate and orderly. Postings will be discarded upon expiration. Boards in the Student Center are to be labeled as to function, and organizations must use appropriate boards.

Signs and materials for advertising purposes can be posted in several places. Nothing can be posted on painted surfaces and on glass areas, windows, doors, etc. The Information Center and/or ASUPS Publicity Office post all signs for Wheelock Student Center. Give either of these two offices four (4) signs for posting. No signs may be posted on either of the two staircases in Marshall Hall. No "Rooms for Rent", "Houses for Rent", etc. are allowed in Wheelock.

3x4 and 3x6 posters need to be brought to WSC 219 before 11 a.m. on Wednesday. Facilities Services will hang them on Wednesday afternoons as their workload permits.

For safety reasons, the use of strings of lights to frame signs and draw attention is prohibited.

Revised February 2006

The Wheelock Student Center has bulletin boards on all three floors and most are designated to specific departments/groups/activities. However, some boards have been designated for services and general information. These boards are located near the Rotunda (Division of Student Affairs) entrance and downstairs by the Bookstore. There is a general happenings board on the second floor across from WSC 209.

Other bulletin boards in the Wheelock Student Center are designated as follows:

  1. Across from WSC 212: Counseling, Health, & Wellness Services (x 1555)
  2. Across from WSC 212: Clubs & Organizations (x 3600)
  3. Across from WSC 209: Division of Student Affairs/Dean of Students Office (x 3360)
  4. Across from the WSC parking lot in the little yellow house: Spiritual Life and Civic Engagement, Office of Intercultural Engagement (x2751)
  5. Across from the WSC parking lot in the little yellow house: The Center for Intercultural and Civic Engagement (x2751)
  6. Next to WSC 204: Student Programs (x3600)
  7. Lower Level (West wall in hallway): Sales/Services/Classifieds (x3236)
  8. Rotunda: ASUPS Director of Public Relations (x3454)
  9. Lower Level Hallway: Theme Year/Environmental Issues (x3374), ASUPS General Happenings (x3600), Rotating Special Happenings Board (x3236)

Please note: Advertisements, posters, and signs cannot be put on the outside of the Wheelock Student Center. The only exception to this is professionally made banners that have been pre-approved to hang on the outside of the building announcing large events, i.e., Family Weekend, Orientation, etc. These banners require a work order. This is done through the Student Life Operations Office, only. One-week notice is also required. The Wheelock Student Center is not responsible for lost, stolen, or damaged signs.

The building is accessible on the west, north, and south sides. There are emergency exits not open for entry, those can be found in the Rotunda, on the north and south sides. All other doors are both entrances and exits. The elevator is located at the west side of the Student Center, in the main lobby.

ASUPS and campus organizations must request to chalk on campus concrete or asphalt walkways to advertise their campus events. Chalking may not be put on Commencement Walk brick, stone or marble walkways, or any vertical surfaces (i.e., building walls, poles, public art, stairways, fences, etc.). Chalking requests can be made through the Student Life Operations Office and must be made at least one week prior to the proposed period. Responsible parties and/or person(s) may be charged for violations of this policy and could lose privileges for space use. Charges will be based on the labor and materials needed to remove the chalk by Facilities Services.

Deliveries can be made to the Bookstore and elsewhere in the Center by using the delivery phone and elevator located on the east side of the building or the service entry. On the north side of the building, parking is restricted. Campus visitors can park in Jones Hall circle as well as off the south side of the Wheelock Student Center. Visitors need to get a pass from Security Services to allow for parking on campus.

Pre-college age (especially preschool, elementary, and middle school age) children are not permitted in the building unless they are in the company of a parent or Puget Sound student. Youth who are not in compliance with this policy will be asked to leave by WSC staff or Security Services.

This policy does not apply to pre-college-age students who are in the building as part of a scheduled special event.