
Painting: Sawy (year unknown), by William Turner ’65

The Art Department’s painting program embraces the rich, often contested history and vibrant, diverse contemporary practices that this vital, complex discipline offers. Students learn how to draw and paint from observation and investigate abstract perceptual issues and conceptual content.

Classes promote a love and understanding of color, which is considered an emotive, symbolic, and relational visual element. Students learn how to mix accurate colors, explore abstract color relationships, and develop a personal understanding of color’s expressive potential. Similarly, students are encouraged to manipulate different types of paint to create specific effects and experiment with the medium to discover aspects of its limitless material possibilities.

Introductory courses focus on familiarizing students with materials, tools, and the discipline’s unique visual language. Intermediate courses expand upon technical skills and hone perceptual awareness while addressing more multifaceted, personally significant, and culturally relevant ideas.

Equipment & Facilities in Painting Studio

  • Large open studio with skylights for abundant natural light
  • Retractable shades for controlled lighting
  • Life drawing model area
  • Individual easels and taborets
  • Ample art storage racks
  • Cleaning space and sink area
  • Professional studio lighting
  • Extension cables and cords
  • Senior Studio access for majors