
Fieldwork Opportunities

Records of Archaeological Excavations and Reports

Select Digital Projects

Maps and Spatial Data

  • Ancient World Mapping Center (Resource for maps and site specific research to promote cartography, historical geography and geographic information)
  • Digital Atlas of Roman and Medieval Civilization (makes freely available on the internet the best available materials for a Geographic Information Systems (GIS) approach to mapping and spatial analysis of the Roman and Medieval World)
  • CORONA atlas of the Middle East (freely available digitized and georectified CORONA satellite images of the Middle East)
  • Digital Archaeological Atlas of the Holy Land (an international project that brings together experts in information technology including GIS and the archaeology of the Holy Land to create the first online digital access of the region held sacred to the three great monotheistic faiths)
  • Electronic Cultural Atlas Initiative (a global consortium of people who share the vision of creating a distributed virtual library of culture information with a time and place interface)



Perseus Project
An evolving digital library of resources for the study of the ancient world and beyond. Includes textual and visual materials on the Archaic and Classical Greek world, as well as some Latin texts and tools and Renaissance materials.

The database of L’Année Philologique on the Web.

Gnomon search
The Gnomon search engine allows you to search for bibliographical references in the field of Classics.
Warning: The instructions on this site are in German. Just put your search terms in the "Alle Felder" field, and then hit the "Suche starten" button.

A collection of images of the ancient Greek and (especially) Roman worlds, available free for non-commercial use.

A database of materials and bibliography on women and gender in the Ancient Mediterranean.

Tables of Contents of Journals of Interest to Classicists (TOCS-IN)
TOCS-IN provides the tables of contents of a selection of Classics, Near Eastern Studies, and Religion journals. It contains ca 160 journals, and over 23,000 articles; some collections of articles are also now included.


Online Publications

Bryn Mawr Classical Review
The online edition of this journal publishes reviews of recent books in Classics.