What have our graduates done with a Politics and Government Degree?
Gone on to professional, law, and graduate programs at such places as:
- Harvard
- Dartmouth
- Georgetown
- George Washington
- Johns Hopkins
- University of California, San Diego
- Cornell
- Columbia
- Minnesota
- Wisconsin
- Indiana
- American
- Washington
- Central European University, Budapest
And have done a range of jobs:
- Assistant Deputy Secretary, Air Force
- Correspondent, National Public Radio
- Ambassador to the US
- US State Department
- United Nations NGO Committee on Sustainable Development
- Professor of Political Science
- Intelligence Specialist, Defense Intelligence Agency
- Republican National Committee
- Associate Administrator for Research and Development, Environmental Protection Agency
- Executive Director, New Democrat Network
- Policy Assistant, New Visions for Public Schools
- Commitee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting
- Associate Director, Amazonwatch
- Legislative Analyst’s Office, California
- Congressional Representative Chief of Staff, Washington, DC
- Peace Corps in Eastern Europe, Latin America, Asia, Africa (Puget Sound has one of the highest volunteer rates for a school of its size in the nation)
- Superior Court Judge, State of California
- Commercial Attaché, US Department of Commerce
- Legislative Assistant, State of Washington
- Executive Assistant, Naval Postgraduate School
- Business Consultant, Riga, Latvia
- Senior Deputy Prosecuting Attorney, King County, Washington
- Emergency Management Analyst, SRA International
- Chief International Officer, Northern Vermont - Quebec Trade Coalition
- Habitat for Humanity, Ethiopia
- Canadian Consulate
- Microsoft
- Amazon
- International Development, Starbucks Coffee
- Director, Oregon Historical Society
Our graduates have diverse experiences after college:
- Helping to clean up New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina;
- Working in reconstruction in the Middle East;
- Serving in US Embassies in Sri Lanka;
- Reporting from Iraq;
- Starting up a non-profit focused on global warming;
- Founding their own political consulting business;
- Founding a Web startup;
- Running for elected office
Take a look at our blog, our links to alums online, and also the Career and Employment Services (CES) site for more info.