Theatre Arts

1500 N. Warner St. #1084
Tacoma, WA 98416-1084

Jones Hall, Room 101


Ticket Information

$20 General; $10 Student, Senior, non-Puget Sound student, military, and Puget Sound faculty/staff. Tickets sold at the LoggerStore, 253.879.2689, and online at Remaining tickets available at the door.


Theatre Arts offers courses and creative activities in which students learn to makeunderstand, and evaluate theatrical events.



Senior Theatre Festival

A festival of scenes selected from Full-Length Plays and directed by Students of Theatre 313: Directing Class. 

The festival features a diverse range of material and approaches that feature the exciting work of your directors and actors.

FREE Admission!

About The Senior Theatre Festival

Senior majors in the Department of Theatre Arts complete a culminating thesis project that requires the planning, execution, and evaluation of a four-show festival of plays, collaboratively produced. This Senior Theatre Festival is the capstone of experiential learning in the program, and draws on all areas of study in the major, while also mirroring many aspects of professional work in the field post-degree. Theatre Arts faculty provide guidance, beginning with thesis-oriented readiness assessment during junior interviews.


See all upcoming productions


Truth Be Told
Senior Theatre Festival 2024

Truth be Told by William Cameron

Directed by Ryan Bennett ‘24

Featuring Alice Noble ‘24 (as Kathleen) and Canela Roey ‘24 (as Jo)

Truth Be Told by William Cameron seeks to understand loss in a world of sensationalized tragedy. The play features two characters, Kathleen (played by Alice Noble) and Jo (played by Canela Roey). One year before the play begins, Kathleen’s son opens fire in his workplace, killing fourteen people before taking his own life. Now, Jo, a journalist, is sitting down with Kathleen to learn her perspective on her son and the tragedy he committed. This provides a zoomed-in lens on Kathleen’s relationships with the memories of her family, the community her son turned on, and those weaponizing kindness to take advantage of her isolation and grief. This grounded, visceral play is bursting with tension surrounding hard conversations about our humanity, the complexities of motherhood, and the political nature of truth. If hurt people hurt people, how can we heal? Between objective facts and subjective experiences, how can we construct an understanding of the whole truth? How do we nurture and care for the people around us so they know they are loved?

Content Warnings: Heavy Discussion of Gun Violence, Discussion of the loss of a child, discussion of abuse, and discussion of suicide.


April 11 | 7:30 p.m.
April 12 | 7:30 p.m.
April 13 | 2:00 p.m. & 7:30 p.m.
Norton Clapp Theater | Located In Jones Hall

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Mishka Navarre, department costumer, designed the costumes you see in most of the photos on these pages. Kurt Walls, Puget Sound Director of Theatre Production, created the scene designs that were built by shop supervisor Robin Macartney and her student crew. Faculty members current and past (Marilyn Bennett, Sara Freeman, Grace Livingston, Geoff Proehl, John Rindo, Jac Royce, Jess Smith) directed the shows you see here.  Professional designers, choreographers, and fight coaches from the Tacoma/Seattle area worked with our faculty and staff on almost every production. Most importantly, students played key roles in every aspect of the process from running light boards, building costumes, and stage management to dramaturgy, assistant directing, and acting.