
1500 N. Warner St.
CMB 1088
Tacoma, WA

Thompson 223A


Administrative Support

Emma St. Jon

Biology Storeroom Coordinator

Michal Morrison-Kerr

Science Core Facility Technician

Amy Replogle

The Biology Department offers two majors that span from molecules to whole organisms to ecosystems and evolution. For students interested in investigating biological questions at all levels of organization, we offer a highly integrative Biology Major. For students with interests primarily at the cellular and molecular level, we offer an interdisciplinary Molecular and Cellular Biology major.

The Biology department is dedicated to providing students with a strong foundation in biology. Within the laboratories, students hone essential skills in experimentation and execute guided investigations. Students in both majors are able to further feed their specific interests by choosing among a range of upper-level elective courses. Beyond the classroom, the Biology department provides extensive opportunities for students to conduct independent research with faculty members.


Interested in going abroad but not sure you can fit it in with your Biology major? Check out the Study Abroad website to browse some of the Biology-related opportunities available.

Learn more

There are a number of opportunities for members of the community of biologists at Puget Sound to get together outside the classroom or lab.


Your guide to performing statistics for Ecology at Puget Sound.

Topographical map of Lake Tana area

Check out our faculty’s latest contributions to the scientific literature!

Taking samples at a marine site

Learn more about the undergraduate research opportunities in the Biology Department!