Research facilities and resources

The Puget Sound Biology Department is located in Thompson & Harned Halls, which also house the departments of Chemistry, Geology, Math and Computer Science, and Physics. Our Science Center opened in May 2006 and includes:

  • A 50,000 square-foot building (Harned Hall)
  • The renovation of Thompson Hall (completed Fall 2008)
  • Modern laboratories and right-sized classrooms
  • A facility that acknowledges and accommodates the growing integration of the sciences

The Biology Department is well-equipped for teaching and research. Among the major facilities available to students and faculty in the department are an electron microscopy laboratory (with both transmission and scanning microscopes), a natural history museum, a greenhouse, a marine wet lab, and a student library/seminar room.

Students can also take advantage of the nearby Point Defiance Zoo and Aquarium for work on special research projects, as well as the Northwest Trek Wildlife Park, located 25 miles south of Tacoma. The university has cooperative agreements with both of these facilities.

The location of the university, within walking distance of the Puget Sound and in the shadow of Mt. Rainier, offers students many opportunities for field research into topics such as marine biology or alpine botany.



The Museum of Natural History, located in Thompson Hall, houses important regional collections of mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, and plants, as well as smaller collections of invertebrates and fishes. It is used as a resource for classes, student research, and education and research by the entire academic community.


The Science Core Facility is located in the Science Center, Harned Hall, and is home to the Weatherwax Electron Microscopy Suite. The Science Core Facility provides outstanding facilities and equipment for both teaching and research for the entire campus.