General Requirements for the Major or Minor

General university degree requirements stipulate that 1) at least four units of the major or three units of the minor be taken in residence at Puget Sound; 2) students earn at least a cumulative GPA of 2.0 in courses taken for the major or the minor; and 3) all courses taken for a major or minor must be taken for graded credit. Any exceptions to these stipulations are indicated in the major and minor degree requirements listed below.

Requirements for the Major

The Biology and Molecular and Cellular Biology degrees offered at Puget Sound are based on similar principles. Both degrees are rooted in the fundamentals of living systems, their relationship to each other, their evolution, structure and function. Both degrees further emphasize the use of experimental approaches and the development of scientific writing skills. The Biology degree offers a broad approach to the living world stressing both molecular-cellular aspects and organismal-ecological aspects of life. In contrast, the Molecular and Cellular Biology degree emphasizes the molecular and genetic basis of organisms and the biochemical adaptations and pathways that unify and distinguish them. In both degrees, students develop interdisciplinary skills in biology and chemistry.

Requirements for the Major in Biology (BS)

Completion of a minimum of 15 units of Biology and supporting courses to include:

  1. Five units of BIOL 111, 112, 211, 212, 213 and one unit from the following: 332 or 334;
  2. Biology electives: Three additional units in biology courses numbered at 312 or above, excluding 398. ENVS 306 (Fossil Record) may count as one of the three units. CHEM 461 may count as one of the three units. One unit may count toward the major from research or independent study courses: BIOL 390, 392, 490, 491, 495, 496;
  3. Three units in chemistry: CHEM 110, 120, 250; OR 115, 230, 250;
  4. One unit of mathematics: MATH 180 or 181;
  5. Two additional science cognate units from the following: One unit from BIOL 312 or higher; CHEM 251 or higher; CSCI 141 or higher, EXSC 222; ENVS 101 or higher; MATH 110 or higher; NRSC 201, 350; PHYS 111 or higher; one unit from the following list: BIOE 292, PHIL 232, STHS 200, STHS 325. MATH 110 and CHEM 105 can count towards this requirement if, and only if, the course was taken prior to taking courses in the respective subjects with higher course numbers.

Requirements for the Major in Molecular and Cellular Biology (BS)

Completion of a minimum of 16 units of Biology and supporting courses to include:

  1. Four units in Biology: BIOL 111, 212, 213, 404
  2. First-year Chemistry: CHEM 110, 120, or 115, 230
  3. Organic Chemistry: CHEM 250, 251
  4. Biochemistry: CHEM 460, 461 (Students who satisfy the first-year chemistry requirement with CHEM 110 and 120 must also complete CHEM 231 prior to enrolling in CHEM 460.)
  5. Two units of Mathematics: Any two of MATH 180, 181, and 260. MATH 160 may substitute for MATH 260 if and only if BIOL 211 or BIOL 231 is also taken
  6. Two units of analytical science from the following: BIOL 211 or 231; CHEM 231; PHYS 111/112 or 121/122; MATH 110 and higher; CSCI 141 and higher
  7. Two additional units in Biology, one of which must be at the 300 or 400 level (excluding 398), and which can include up to one unit of research credit (BIOL 390, 490, or 491). Students with an interest in evolutionary, environmental, or ecological applications of molecular biology should strongly consider BIOL 112 and 360 as their electives. Students may not use BIOL 361 to satisfy this requirement.

Requirements for the Minor in Biology

Completion of five units of Biology to include one unit each of BIOL 111 and 112, a minimum of one unit from the following group (BIOL 211, 212, 213) and two elective units (BIOL 211 or higher; ENVS 306 may count as one of the two units). BIOL 398 does not count towards the Biology Minor.

Notes for the major and minor

  1. The following courses do not satisfy major or minor requirements: BIOL 101, 102, 201, 205, 398, 498, or 499; INTN 497.
  2. Students majoring in Molecular and Cellular Biology may not also major or minor in Biology, Chemistry, or Biochemistry. There is no minor in Molecular and Cellular Biology.
  3. Students should pay careful attention to course prerequisites as they affect course sequencing.
  4. Majors are encouraged to participate in the undergraduate research program within the department. Courses in the undergraduate research program include Biology Colloquium (201), Directed Research (290/390/490), Introduction to Biological Research (392), Science and Mathematics Seminar Series (398), and Senior Thesis (491). Students may begin doing research with faculty members at any time in their career. Students who wish to do a senior thesis project can enroll in Biology Colloquium (201), Introduction to Biological Research (392), and either one unit of Senior Thesis (491) or one unit of Senior Directed Research (490) and one of Senior Thesis (491). Students may count one unit of research (390, 490, or 491) as one of the advanced Biology electives required for the degree. Students doing research must consult with and gain approval from a Biology faculty research adviser, and must submit a research proposal.
  5. Students are encouraged to select electives and other courses beyond the major requirements in consultation with their academic advisor and/or the Health Professions advisor to personalize their academic experience to match their interests and, if relevant, to prepare them for graduate or professional school programs.
  6. Majors who wish to obtain secondary-level teaching certification may do so by satisfying the M.A.T. requirements of the School of Education. Details and requirements may be obtained from the School of Education.
  7. All courses required for the majors or minor must be taken on a graded basis. The credit/no credit grading option is not recommended for any student planning to enter graduate or professional school. Biology activity classes (BIOL 201, 205, 398) cannot be applied towards the Biology majors or minor.
  8. To be eligible to graduate with departmental honors, a student must maintain a GPA in accordance with university regulations for such distinction and must complete an independent research project.
  9. Coursework completed more than ten years prior to completion of degree requirements may not be counted towards fulfilling degree requirements for the majors or the minor.
  10. At least two of the Biology electives and one of the Molecular and Cellular Biology electives must be completed on the Puget Sound campus.
  11. For Biology majors, at least two of the Biology elective courses (BIOL 312 and above) must have a lab component. One unit of Junior or Senior-level Research (BIOL 390, 490, or 491) can be used to fulfill one of these lab course requirements.
  12. Courses transferring in from other institutions including study abroad programs that transfer in at at least 0.67 units but less than 1 unit may still fulfill the requirement for a 1 unit course for the Biology major. Students with such courses should consult with their academic advisor or the Biology chair.