After Puget Sound


Class of 2019

Annie Lamar | Classics (Language) (BA); Computer Sci (Contract) (BS); Mathematics (MN)

After graduation, I will spend the summer doing Computer Science research with Dr. America Chambers and work on publishing my Classics thesis. Next fall I will be attending Stanford University to pursue a Classics PhD and a Computer Science MS.

Meadow Poplawsky | Intl Political Econ (BA); Global Development Studies (MN); French (MN)

Update: I have been admitted and will be attending Oxford University next year, Fall 2021 studying for her MS in Water Science, Policy, and Management.

On campus I have been involved in the music program, as a member of the flute studio and the symphony orchestra. I have also been involved in Greek life as a member of Alpha-Phi Gamma Zeta. During my four years here, I have worked as a French tutor in the CWLT and a circulation desk assistant at the library. During my summers, I have had an internship at the Tacoma-Pierce County Chamber of Commerce and have done independent research funded by the honors program. I also studied abroad in a French immersion program in Nantes, France. After I graduate, I will be doing a Fulbright English Teaching Assistantship in Chennai, India and hope to go to grad school afterwards.

Jacob Shaffer | Molecular and Cell Biol (BS); Music (MN)

In the fall of 2019, I will be attending the University of Tennessee Knoxville to start a PhD in Microbiology. My research interests are focused around microbial community interactions in extreme environments. Outside of science, I enjoy playing the baritone saxophone and hiking with my dog, Kepler.

Nicholas Navin | Sociology & Anthropology (BA); Global Development Studies (MN); Japanese (MN)

While at UPS I was a member of both the Wind Ensemble and Symphony Orchestra as a bassoonist and contrabassoonist, and was a member and the president of the UPS Taiko club. During the summer following my sophomore year, I participated in a three-week Luce Initiative on Asian Studies and the Environment (LIASE) anthropological field school to Indonesia, where I conducted research on how language plays into ideas of local and national identity. During the summer following my junior year, I spent five weeks traveling across Japan with three other Japanese language students and our professor, conducting research on the Japanese language--in particular, the attitudes and perceptions toward slang and formal language, and how both are evolving in Japanese society. Post-grad, I will be returning for a fourth year to work at the Concordia Language Villages’ youth immersion summer camp to teach Japanese to American youth. Beginning in late July, I will head to Indonesia for ten months as a Fulbright English Teaching Assistant. Following my Fulbright experience, I hope to pursue teaching and studying in Japan before applying to graduate school to study linguistics.

Megan Sanders | Intl Political Econ (BA); Pol & Govt (International) (BA); Spanish (MN)

After graduation, I plan to return home to Colorado for the summer to work at a summer camp and the governor’s office before hopefully moving out to D.C. to pursue an internship with the National Bureau of Asian Research. I have been offered by the State Department to serve as a Foreign Service Officer and will start my new career once the paper work is completed.

Molly McLean | Theatre Arts (BA)

Over the past four years I worked as a producer, designer, actor, writer, director, and dramaturg. I particularly enjoyed being a member Ubiquitous They sketch and improv groups, through which I was able to work with with incredibly generous and fun teammates. I also loved being a writer and section editor for the Trail. I am spending the summer at home in Portland working at a food cart and hopes to spend my free time reading criticism and doing improv. I will then move to Los Angeles and work as a nanny, while continuing to goof off and learn.

Class of 2018

Andrew Brandt | Mathematics Major, Physics, Classics Minors

After graduation, the Postmen and I will be traveling to Rockford, IL for Ultimate Frisbee DIII College Championships. I will be returning home for the summer before beginning my Masters in Architecture at the University of Texas - Austin in the fall. It is a 3.5 year program plus an optional 6-month residency that I plan to participate in, meaning I anticipate to earn my degree in Spring 2022.

Helen Tschurr | History Major, Religion Minor

After graduating from University of Puget Sound, I will start law school at the University of Wisconsin, Madison.

Madeline Brown | Sociology & Anthropology Major, Gender & Queer Studies and Math Minors

After graduation, I will attend George Washington University in Washington D.C. working toward a Masters of Public Policy and Gender Studies. Following the MA program, I intend to pursue a PhD in Anthropology/Gender Studies or a degree in law.

Adam Lewis | Computer Science (BS) Major, Theatre Arts Minor

After graduating from University of Puget Sound, I will be working as a Software Engineer in my own hometown, California.

Christina Sumprer | History Major, Music Minor

After graduation, I will travel to the Bahamas for a few weeks, take a cruise with my mother then I will work for the rest of summer and then I will start my MAT here at University of Puget Sound in the fall of 2018.

Emma Elder | Biochemistry Major

After I graduate from UPS with a Bachelor of Science in Biochemistry, I’ll be pursuing my Doctor of Pharmacy at the University of Washington. My goal is to eventually work as a clinical hospital pharmacist and be involved in managing clinical trials. I also plan to gain experience with healthcare legislation while in school so that, in my professional career, I can also be an active participant in promoting a more equitable healthcare system.

Kathryn Stutz | Classical Languages and Sociology & Anthropology Majors

Update: Attending Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD for the PhD program of Classics, Fall 2019

Immediately after graduation, I’ll be heading to Greece with my advisor and many of my friends from the classics department for a three-week study abroad program (i.e. whirlwind tour) of major historical sites from Athens to Delphi to Knossos. At the end of this time in Greece, I’ll fly up to northern Europe, where I’ll be exploring the UK and Norway with my family. After my travels, I’ll be returning to Tacoma for a year or so, while I work on graduate school applications.

Grant Garcia | Biochemistry Major, Bioethics and Mathematics Minors

Soon after graduation I will be traveling for 3 weeks in Europe. Following that I will return to Southern California to work as a medical scribe. I’m also excited to have a chance to volunteer in my hometown for a couple of years. Finally, I will prepare to take the MCAT and begin the application process for medical school. If everything goes as planned I will matriculate in 2020.

Jordan Fonseca | Physics and Math Majors

I’m not sure what I’m doing next yet! After graduation, I’m going on a road trip several national parks on the West Coast with a friend. In that time, I’ll be working on figuring out what I’m going to do during my year off school, which I’m taking to figure out what I want to study in grad school.

Class of 2017

T.N Conley | Psychology and Theater Arts Majors

My after graduation plans are as follows: after using the summer to travel (likely to Peru with family) and complete a dramaturgy internship in Tacoma, I will be moving to New York City, where I will split my time over the next two years between completing a master’s degree in Healthcare Administration at Columbia University and pursuing small theatrical and musical writing and directing projects, hopefully in part with an old writing partner of mine.

Yqing dong | Molecular and Cellular Biology Major

After graduation I plan to stay in the Tacoma/Seattle area and will continue to work as a scribe in the emergency room. I will also be applying to medical schools this summer with a hope of starting medical school in the fall of 2018.

Kaitlyn Vallance | English and History Majors, Gender & Queer Studies Minor

I will be attending Seattle University starting this fall to pursue a Masters in Student Affairs and Higher Education Administration and hoping to earn my PHD in Leadership Studies. My research focus will be on sexual assault and misconduct policy at private v. public universities. Her long term goal is to become a Title IX Coordinator for small, private universities.

Megan Schowalter | Science, Technology & Society and Spanish

I will be working in Federal Way Public Schools next year for Teach for America for the next two years years in science education for elementary and middle school youth. I see it as a stepping-stone into further opportunities related to public service and social justice activism!

Adam Herbertson | Major: Molecular and Cellular Biology with a Neuroscience Emphasis

After I graduate, I plan to spend a year or two working as a lab technician.I will eventually go on to graduate school and pursue a PhD in Neuroscience. My dream is to work alongside other scientists in the hopes of discovering the genetic risk factors, pathology, and potential treatment for this class of poorly understood conditions.

Matthew Moreno | Mathematics & Computer Science majors, minor in Chemistry

Next year I will be joining the doctoral program in computer science in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at Michigan State University, pursuing my PHD at the intersection of computing and biology. . I’ll be working with Dr. Charles Ofria’s Devolab group (

Ada Smith | International Politics and Economics major and Japanese minor

My plan after I graduate is to go straight into teaching, which has become true. I have been accepted to the JET program, so I will be going to Japan for a year. My overall goal is to help fight education inequality in low income communities to make sure every child gets a chance to be the best they can.

Jason Gill | History and Classical Studies majors

Right after graduation I’ll be heading to Rome and Athens for a while in order to see the ancient sites, after which I’ll be looking at grad schools. I plan on getting my master’s in Ancient History within a few years and so I’ll be learning French and maybe German in order to get ready. Finally (and most importantly), I’ll be joining the military and going through Officer Candidate School, so I can hopefully get a position as an armor officer, either in the Army or Marine Corps.

Megan Reich | Double majors in Music Performance and Biology

I will be taking a gap year to apply to a graduate program in music or musicology.​

Sage Haynes | Biology major and Math minor

Right after graduation, I am going to be traveling to the Bahamas where I will be living on a boat for two weeks and scuba diving the Exuma Cays, a cluster of islands off of the coast of the Bahamas. After that, I will be taking over for my manager position as the Sustainability and Energy Manager for Facilities Services here at UPS while she is on maternity leave.

Rayna Shah | B.A. Business Administration, Business Leadership Program | Economics (Mn.), Math (Mn.)

I will be traveling to Rome and Spain for a couple of weeks with my family right after graduation and then moving to Portland, OR to start working as the Customer Engagement Representative at Survey Monkey!

Rachel Anderson | Science, Technology and Society, minors: Chinese and Religion

After graduation, I’m leaving in mid-June to teach English (to prospective English teachers) in Western China for two years with the Peace Corps. After that, I plan to go to graduate school for History of Science or STS.

Chloe Miller | Psychology (BA); Mathematics (MN); Education Studies Minor

I’ll be working this summer as the lead behavior specialist for a medical camp in Colorado and then be heading to UCLA for my Master’s in Ed this fall!

Claire Martin | Theater Arts & English

After graduation, I will be attending an international dramaturgy convention in Oakland, CA this June! It’s hosted by LMDA (the Literary Managers and Dramaturgs of the Americas). Then I’ll be working as the assistant dramaturg (under Dr. Geoff Proehl) on a production of Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet at the People’s Theatre of Philadelphia. In June, I’ll be interning with ARTBARN Theatre Collective on their summer installation at the University of Puget Sound. In September, I hope to begin a year of interning at Artist Repertory Theatre in Portland, Oregon while I apply to graduate school. By autumn of 2018, I hope to be starting my MFA in Theatre Directing. My goal is to become a regional theater director in one of the major cities of the United States.

Jake Litterer | Physics major and Math minor

I hope to go for Physics PHD programs after my graduation.

Sam Scott | Psychology (BA); Neuroscience Program; Bioethics Program

I will be working as a Clinical Research Associate at Seattle Children’s Research Institute doing research on pediatric cancer patients and their caregivers.

Matthew Byrne | Biology and Literature in Hispanic Studies majors

After graduation, I am hoping to do internship for a year before going to Grad school.

John Rice | Science,Tech, & Soc (BA); Psychology (BA)

I’m likely going to work at a camp for autism spectrum disorder over the summer. I’m also considering moving to LA where I’ll pursue my dream as a private investigator. Failing that I’m interested in starting a ranch in the area north of LA or Minnesota.

Frances Welsh | Molecular and Cell Biol (BS); Music (MN); Bioethics Program

After graduation, I plan on working full-time in a lab for 1 or 2 years. I’m currently interviewing with labs for a post-baccalaureate research fellowship at the National Institute of Health in Bethesda, Maryland (near Washington DC). I hope to decide between taking a position there or working as a research technician at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle. After this full-time lab work, I’ll be applying to graduate school to pursue a PhD in the field of molecular biology and genetics.

Teague Wallace | BLP International (BA); Spanish (MN); Economics (MN)

I believe that I will be moving to Chicago, IL, to work as a sales representative for CDW, a distributor for IT and Cloud computing products.

Annastasia Morairty | Psychology (BA); Chinese (MN); Bioethics Program; Neuroscience Program

After graduation I will be working in Seattle for a year before law school.

Elena Becker | Sociology & Anthropology (BA); French (MN); Global Dev. Studies

After Graduation, I will take sometimes off to have "Me Time" then I will be working for Whitman College as an Admission Officer.

Olivia Fair | Exercise Science (BS)

After Graduation, I will be attending Creighton University’s Doctorate of Occupational Therapy Program this fall.
