
General Requirements for the Minor

General university degree requirements stipulate that 1) three units of the minor be taken in residence at the University of Puget Sound; 2) students earn a GPA of 2.0 in courses taken for the minor; and 3) all courses taken for the minor must be taken for graded credit. Any exceptions to these stipulations are indicated in the minor degree requirements listed below.

Requirements for the Minor in Latina/o Studies

Completion of a minimum of five units, to include:

  1. LTS 200 Latina/o America: A Critical Introduction to Latino Studies (1 unit);
  2. Three courses from the following list of electives (3 units);
  3. A capstone experience: either a course with a research component relevant to LTS content, or a credit-bearing internship relevant to LTS content. Capstone experience must be pre-approved by the LTS Director. Students whose capstone is not for credit will need a fourth elective to reach the required 5 unit requirement.

Minor Electives

  • AFAM 320 Race, Power, and Privilege
  • AFAM 401 Narratives of Race
  • CONN 335 Race and Multiculturalism in the American Context
  • ECON 240 Economics of Migration
  • HIST 152 American Experiences I: Origins to 1877
  • HIST 153 American Experiences II: 1877 to Present
  • HIST 367 Immigration in the U.S.
  • HIST 376 Cuba and the Cuban Diaspora
  • HIST 378 History of Latinx People in the United States
  • HIST 380 Modern Mexico: From Revolution to NAFTA
  • HON 214 Interrogating Inequality
  • LAS 100 Introduction to Latin American Studies
  • LTS 300 Latina/o Literatures
  • LTS 375 Queer-Latinx: Art, Sex, and Belonging in America
  • LTS 376 The Art of Mestizaje
  • LTS 400 Special Topics in Latina/o Studies
  • PG 304 Race and American Politics
  • PG 306 Immigration Politics and Policy in the U.S.
  • PG 311 Politics of Detention: Criminal Justice, Immigration, and the War on Terror
  • PG 345 Intersectionality as Theory and Method
  • PG 346 Race in the American Political Imagination
  • PHIL 312 Latin American and Latinx Philosophy
  • PHIL 389 Race and Philosophy
  • SOAN 215 Race and Ethnic Relations
  • SOAN 275 Border Crossings: Transnational Migration and Diaspora Studies
  • SPAN 203 Advanced Grammar and Composition whenever the course includes significant Latina/o Studies content
  • SPAN 215 Spanish in the United States
  • SPAN 216 (Wo)men of Maize: Food Cultures of the Americas
  • SPAN 222 Introduction to Latin American Cultures whenever the course includes significant Latina/o Studies content
  • SPAN 310 Special Topics in Literary and Cultural Studies whenever the course includes significant Latina/o Studies content
  • SPAN 313 Hispanic Short Story whenever the course includes significant Latina/o Studies content
  • SPAN 316 Latin American Film whenever the course includes significant Latina/o Studies content
  • SPAN 321 Migration Narratives
  • SPAN 329 Literaturx Latinx
  • SPAN 415 Bitter Flavors of the Americas: Sugar, Coffee & Bananas whenever the course includes significant Latina/o Studies content
  • STHS 330 Evolution and Society Since Darwin
  • STHS 366 Medicine in the United States: Historical Perspectives