Podcasts & Interviews

Neuroscience is a fast growing integrated field that reaches across multiple disciplines. Research in Neuroscience has roots in biology, evolution, behavior, psychology, regenerative medicine, computer sciences, robotics, and many other diverse topics. We want you to experience the breadth of knowledge and tools available in the field and also gain a sense of how different the neuroscience knowledge is between researchers and the public. It will also give students a chance to interact with neuroscientists across the world in a variety of setting.

In that vein, we encourage you to participate in our Podcast programs.

  1. Interview a neuroscientist (via skype, phone etc.) and ask them questions such as -
    1. What is your main interest in Neuroscience?
    2. What tools do you use in your work?
    3. What about the brain excites you?
  2. Interview a member of the public-
    1. What do you think about Neuroscience?
    2. What more would you like to know about the brain?
    3. What do you think Neuroscientists are like?

If you would like to participate please contact the Neuroscience Program at nrsc@pugetsound.edu.


  • Interview with Dr. Audrey Don by Stacia Wetter (Spring 2013) Podcast
  • Interview with Dr. Baumann by Jeff Kerr (Spring 2013) Transcript
  • Interview with Dr. Jung Kim by Jo Boldt (Spring 2013) Podcast (Save to Desktop and Play)