Below is a list of honor students who have studied abroad. Learn more about Study Abroad opportunities on the International Programs website.
- Kate Harris: ILACA program; Granada, Spain, Fall 2019.
- Noah Thomas: Studying computer science at AIT to pursue dual degrees in Computer Science & Digital Media & Communication; Budapest, Hungary, Fall 2019
- Jenna Krueger: DIS Child Development program; Copenhagen, Denmark, Fall 2019
- Ayse Hunt: Presenting her research paper at the International Conference of Museologists: The Art Museum in the Digital Age, Vienna, Austria January 2019.
- Erin Stewart: School for Field Studies(SFS); Tanzania, Africa, Spring 2019
- Erin Rasmussen: French Immersion program; Dijon, France,Spring 2019
- Madeleine Scypinski: IES Abroad Vienna, Austria, Spring 2019
- Aliah McCord: Oaxaca Mexico, Development, Culture and Social changes, Fall 2018.
- Lucy Soderstrom: Morocco, Arabic Language studies and Research on the Integration of female migrants into health care system, Fall 2018.
- Kate Amalia Gladhart-Hayes: Madrid, Spain for UPS Summers program, 2018.
- Lura Morton: Rabat, Morocco through SIT in their Human Rights and Multiculturalism program. In addition to studying human rights and multiculturalism, I also did an intensive study of Arabic, Spring 2018.
- Meadow Poplawsky: Nantes, France with the IES French immersion program, Spring 2018.
- Molly McLean: Buenos Aires with the IFSA-Butler Argentine University Program, Spring 2018.
- Kathryn Stutz: Intercollegiate Center for Classical Studies (ICCS, aka "the Centro") in Rome, Italy, Spring 2017.
- Lura Morton: 2 weeks in Doha, Qatar under the Pohlad Award from PG Department and Internship with National Council on U.S Arab Relations in Washington DC, Summer 2017
- Samantha Lilly: Psychology Internship/Mental Health Placement in Sri Lanka, Summer 2017
- Leslie Machabee: 2 week studying Spanish at La Universidad Antonio Nebrija and an 8-week internship at the Asociación de Turismo de Madrid, a collective of local private businesses and public entities which collaborate to further the financial, governmental, artistic, and cultural aims of the city, Summer 2017.
- Kavan Ossentjuk: Business program in France, Fall 2017.
- Crystal Poole: Vienna, Austria, Summer 2017 for the IES Psychology Program.
- Payton Joan Gubser: Vienna, Austria Summer 2017 for the IES Psychology Program.
- Grant Garcia: Copenhagen, Denmark, put on by DIS for studying comparative healthcare of Northern Europe system in a classroom setting and clinical medicine in Copenhagen and Vienna, Austria in a hospital setting, Summer, 2017.
- Eric Zeitz: UPS led study abroad trip to Taiwan to study Chinese, Summer 2017.
- Lillian Bengtson: Spring, 2017 SIT IHP-Health & Community, India.
- Emma Paulson: Spring 2017, Alliance Shanghai 21st C – Sem, Shanghai, China.
- Carina Weadock: Spring 2017, DIS, Copenhagen, Denmark.
- Emily Stewart: Spring 2017, The University of Melbourne, Australia.
- Ian Crocker: Madrid, Spain for UPS Summers program, 2016.
- Arcelia Salado: Madrid, Spain for UPS Summer Program, 2016.
- Ali Walker: UPS Nebrija Tr1 Intn BusHm 10w, Summer 2016.
- Jake Vann: UPS Nebrija Tr3 Spanish MJ 10w, Summer 2016.
- Chanel Chawalit: UPS Tunghai, Taiwan, Summer, 2016.
- Matthew Byrne: Madrid Summers Program, 2016 for a biological research lab.
- Isabelle Zimmerman: UPS Nebrija Tr3 Spanish MJ 10w, Spain, Summer 2016.
- Megan Grace Sander: Summer of 2016 in Thailand through the IPE Southeast Asia course (LIASE program funded through the LUCE grant).
- Claire Martin: Dublin, Ireland in Spring of 2016. It was an IES program entitled the "Writer’s Program," studied creative writing and journalistic writing and internship at Smock Alley Theatre (the oldest operational theater in Ireland).
- Sam Scott: Copenhagen Denmark Spring 2016 through the Danish Institute for Study Abroad for Neuroscience of Consciousness program.
- Eden Ehrmann: Dublin, Ireland as part of IES Abroad direct enrollment program with Trinity College in Dublin, Fall 2016.
- Zane Molgaard: DIS Copenhagen, Denmark, Fall 2016.
- Kathryn Stutz: Intercollegiate Center for Classical Studies (ICCS, aka "the Centro") in Rome, Italy, Fall 2016.
- Jahrme Risner: "Budapest Semesters in Mathematics" program in Budapest, Hungary for Fall 2016.
- Teague Wallace: Internship with Radio Systems PetSafe Europe Ltd. at Dundalk, Ireland, Summer 2015.
- Yqing Dong: CIEE Amsterdam and London, Netherlands and Great Britain Summer 2015 for comparative public health program learning.
- Rachel Anderson: UPS Tunghai, Taiwan, Summer 2015.
- Elena Becker: Summer 2015, Puget Sound LIASE program to Sarawak, Malaysian Borneo, - Fall 2015, School for International Training (SIT): Madagascar, Urbanization and Rural Development. The program was based in Antananarivo, Madagascar but also included travel to Mahajanga, Toamasina, Antsirabe and elsewhere.
- Chloe Miller: Denmark during the Fall 2015 semester studying Child Development with the Danish Institute of Study Abroad (DIS).
- Megan Schowalter: Fall 2015. SIT(school for International Training) IHP program International Honors Program; Health and Community—“Globalization, Culture and Care”, Washington DC, India, South Africa, Brazil