Outside Users

The equipment listed below is also available to academic and commercial users outside of the University of Puget Sound. Prior to using any of the equipment associated with the Science Core Facility, outside users must be trained by the Science Core Facility Technician and read the user guide that is provided during the training session.

Outside users are also responsible for paying for their own consumables (i.e. bring what you need or have it shipped here in advance on your own costs).

Lastly, outside users are responsible for the cost of any repairs resulting from misuse or carelessness around any of the equipment at Puget Sound.

Electron Microscopy

Hitachi S3400N Variable Pressure Scanning Electron Microscope

Initial training (~2 hours)

Confocal Microscopy

Nikon D-Eclipse C1 confocal microscope

Initial training (~1.5 hours)

3D Printing

Markforged The Mark Two

Initial training (~1 hour)

qRT-PCR Detection

BioRad CFX96 Real-Time PCR Detection System

Initial training (~1 hour)

Microarry Scanner

GenePix 4100A Microarray Scanner

Initial training (~1 hour)

Chemiluminescence Imaging

odyssey Fc Dual-mode western imaging

Initial training (~1 hour)