Student Research

The physics department at Puget Sound is committed to providing a wide array of undergraduate research opportunities for our students. These include senior thesis projects and summer research on campus, working one-on-one with Puget Sound physics faculty. The “Summer Research Grants in Science and Mathematics” program provides students with a stipend and a summer housing option, as well as a forum for poster presentation at the Fall Student Research Symposium.

Many students continue their summer research into the following school year and make additional presentations of their work at both regional and national conferences including those of the Washington Space Grant Consortium, the Murdock College Science Research Conference, The American Physical Society, and the Acoustical Society of America.

Puget Sound research students have co-authored papers with faculty in peer-reviewed journals including Physical Review C (nuclear physics), Journal of Physics G (nuclear and particle physics), and Applied Optics.

Off-campus summer research opportunities are also available through a variety of programs including “Research Experiences for Undergraduates” (REU), sponsored by the National Science Foundation. Recent Puget Sound physics students have done summer research at institutions including the University of Washington, University of Arkansas, University of Virginia, University of Southern California, University of Oklahoma, Baylor University, and the Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico.

Recent Student Research Projects at Puget Sound
Student Mentor Project Title

Tia Bottger


Rachel Pepper &
Brett Klaassen

Project Title

Does environmental flow speed affect the local relative abundance of Vorticella convallaria?


Austin Glock


Tsunefumi Tanaka

Project Title

Differential Star Photometry


Ella Gravante


Rachel Pepper &
Brett Klaassen

Project Title

Morphologic Differences in Bird’s Nest Fungi as a Predictor for Dispersal Behavior


Audrey Hurt


Rachel Pepper

Project Title

The effect of peridiole shape on splash cup dispersal in bird’s nest fungi


Megan Schellhase


Rachel Pepper

Project Title

The effect of oscillatory flow on the orientation of Vorticella convallaria


Student Mentor Project Title

Tia Bottger


Rachel Pepper

Project Title

The effect of ambient flow on Vorticella convallaria 3D orientation


Olivia Danner


Rachel Pepper

Project Title

How does the presence of water in a splash cup affect seed dispersal distance?


Ouyang Du


Brett Klaassen

Project Title

Engineering an IEC Fusion Device


Alessandra Lopez


Rachel Pepper

Project Title

The Effect of Seed Quantity and Material Density on Dispersal from Wet Splash Cup Plants


Kobi Hall
Polarizing Majorana Fermions Through Virtual Compton
Advised by David Latimer
Summer 2020


Lukas Karoly
Polarization of Majorana Fermions in a Background Current
Advised by David Latimer
Summer 2020


Jake Rizzo
Differential Photometry of Variable Stars
Advised by Tsunefumi Tanaka
Summer 2020


Jake Rizzo poster

Hannah Stockton
Tracking Vorticella Orientation in 3D
Advised by Rachel Pepper and Brett Klaassen
Summer 2020


Hannah Stockton

Joshua Wah-Blumberg
The Effect of Raindrop Impact Location on the Dispersal
Distance of Splash Cup Plant Seeds
Advised by Rachel Pepper and Brett Klaassen
Summer 2020


Joshua Wah-Blumberg


Kelsy Bryson
Effect of Seed Density on Dispersal of Seed Density on Dispersal
of Seeds from Wet Splash Cup Plants
Advised by Rachel Pepper
Summer 2019



Jesus Deloya Garcia
Measuring the Change in Feeding Flow of Vorticella at Different
Body Orientation
Advised by Rachel Pepper
Summer 2019



Lukas Karoly
Measuring Three-Dimensional Orientation of Vorticella
Advised by Rachel Pepper
Summer 2019




Emily Sawicky
The Effect of Raindrop Size on the Dispersal
Distance of Splash Cup Plants
Advised by Rachel Pepper
Summer 2019



Matthew Wells
Characterizing the Feeding Flow of Vorticella Convallaria
via Inline Digital Holography
Advised by Rachel Pepper
Summer 2019



Isabel Mejia Natividad
Determining the Effect of Raindrops Impact Location on Seed Dispersal Of Splash-Cup Plants
Advised by Professor Rachel Pepper
Summer 2018

Isabel Mejia Natividad

William Miyahira
Polarizing Majorana Fermions
Advised by Professor David Latimer
Summer 2018

William Miyahira

Olivia Perotti
Does Flowing Water Change Cell Body Orientation in
Vorticella Convallaria?
Advised by Professor Rachel Pepper
Summer 2018

Olivia Perotti

Noah Stewart
Identifying Gerrymandering in New Mexico; Using the Efficiency Gap and Mathematical Compactness
Summer 2018


Patrick Wigger
Measuring Fluorescence Lifetimes using Upconversion Spectroscopy
Advised by Professor Amy Spivey
Summer 2018

Patrick Wigger


Kyle Miller
High Throughput Molecular Simulations into the Morphology of P3HT:PCBM Blends
Boise State University
Advised by Dr. Eric Jankowski

Kyle Miller

Patrick Zimmerman
Modeling geometries to couple fluorescence from luminescent solar concentrators into fiber optic cables
Advised by Professor Amy Spivey
Summer 2017

Patrick Zimmerman

William Miyahira
Experimental observation and analysis of muted drumheads using electronic speckle-pattern interferometry
Advised by Professor Rand Worland
Summer 2017

William Miyahira

Cory Koehler
Measurement of the fluorescence lifetimes of colloidal CdSe quantum dots with thiol capping ligands
Advised by Professor Amy Spivey
Summer 2017

Cory Koehler

Alex Kaufman
Two-body charged particle interaction considering time symmetric relativistic effects and self-force
Advised by Professor David Latimer
Summer 2017

Alex Kaufman

Jessy Hosken
Measuring the effects of ligands on the fluorescence lifetimes of quantum dots for use in luminescent solar concentrators
Advised by Professor Amy Spivey
Summer 2017

Jessy Hosken

Matthew Fergoda
Applying improved temperature-dependent CRI to a model of radiative flux in the Antarctic
Advised by Steven Neshyba
Summer 2017

Matthew Fergoda


Juliana Echternach ’17
The Effect of Splash Cup Pitch Angle on Seed Dispersal in Wet Splash-Cup Plants
Advised by Professor Rachel Pepper
Summer 2016


Matty Specht
Determining the Benefits of Vorticello Cell Body Motion
Advised by Professor Rachel Pepper
Summer 2016

Matty Specht

Alex Lutton
Is the Stokeslet Model Sufficient for Finding Nutrient Uptake of Microscopic Sessile Suspension Feeders?
Advised by Professor Rachel Pepper
Summer 2016

Alex Lutton

Alex Kaufman
Overcoming Challenges in Prey Contact and Capture at Low Reynolds Number
Advised by Professor Rachel Pepper
Summer 2016

Alex Kaufman

Sam Boos
How does the Micro-Splashing Threshold Change with Drop Size?
Advised by Professor Rachel Pepper
Summer 2016

Sam Boos

Jordan Fonseca ’18
Construction and Testing of Ultrafast Spectroscopy Setup to Probe Luminescence Dynamics for the Development of Luminescent Solar Concentrators
Advised by Professor Amy Spivey
Summer 2016

Jordan Fonseca ’18

Sam Berling ’17
Vibrational Patterns in Curved Metal Plates
Advised by Professor Rand Worland
Summer 2016

Sam Berling ’17

Matt Fergoda
Removing Mass to Tune the Fundamental and First Overtone Frequencies of Lamellophone Tines
Advised by Professor Rand Worland
Summer 2016

Matt Fergoda

Zach Armstrong
The Acoustics of Harmon Mutes
Advised by Professor Rand Worland
Summer 2016

Zach Armstrong

Libby Dabrowski ’17
Design of Millimeter-Wave Bandpass Filters for use in CMB Detectors
University of Wisconsin - Madison
Advised by Peter Timbie
NSF REU Program
Summer 2016

Libby Dabrowski ’17

Kyle Miller
Replacing Lead in Hbrid Perovskite for more Sustainable Optoelectronic Devices
Advised by Russell Holmes
University of Minnesota Center for Engineering and Materials Science
Summer 2016

Kyle Miller


Garrett Buffington ’16
Splashing on Wetted Granular Beds
Advised by Professor Rachel Pepper
Summer 2015

Garrett Buffington ’16

Libby Dabrowski ’17
The Characterization of 15 Nearby Stars
University of Oklahoma
NSF REU program
Advised by: Jamie Lomax, PhD. Evan Rich and John Wisniewski.
Summer 2015

Libby Dabrowski ’17

Joel Eklof ’16
Seed Characteristics Matter
in the Dispersal of Splash Cup Plants
Advised by Professor Rachel Pepper
Summer 2015

Joel Eklof ’16

Juliana Echternach ’17
Suspended Carbon Nanotube Growth on pn-junction Devices and Chip-to-Chip Transfers.
University of Southern California
Advised by: Professor Steven Cronin
Summer 2015

Juliana Echternach ’17

Jordan Fonseca ’18
Validation Study of the C++ Cloud Lofting Module for DIORAMA Research
Los Alamos National Laboratory
Advised by: Dr. Andrew Walker
Summer 2015

Jordan Fonseca ’18


Audrey Kvam ’15
Modifying NMR Probe Electronics in the Muon g-2 Experiment
at the Center for Experimental Nuclear Physics and Astrophysics (CENPA) at the University of Washington
Advised by: Erik Swanson and Professor Alejandro Garcia
Summer 2014

Audrey Kvam ’15

Ben Boe ’15
Pitch Angle Survey of GOODS Spiral Galaxies
University of Arkansas, Arkansas Center for Space and Planetary Science
Advised by Professor Daniel Kennefick
Summer 2014

Ben Boe ’15
Kyle Whitcomb ’15
Scattering of a Point-like Anapole
Advised by Professor David Latimer
Summer 2014
Kyle Whitcomb ’15
Ben Boe ’15
Experimental & Numerical Analysis of Coupling Between Musical Drumheads
Advised by Professor Worland
Summer 2013
Ben Boe ’15
Nick Davenport
Observations of Quantized Conductance Over Nanowires
Advised by Professor Elliott
Summer 2013
Nick Davenport
Audrey Kvam
The Propagation of Light Through Dark Matter
Advises by Professor Latimer
Summer 2013
Audrey Kvam
Kara Merfeld
An Analytical Comparison of Methods of Rotating Anomalous U(1) Charges
NSF REU Program
Baylor University
Advised by Professor Gerald Cleaver
Summer 2013
Kara Merfeld

David Clausen ’13
Reversed Refraction: Negative Index Metamaterials for Microwaves
Advised by Professor Spivey
Summer 2012

David Clausen ’13

Matt Baldwin ’14
Preparation and Characterization of Ge and Co Doped V3Si Superconductors
REU at University of Nevada Las Vegas
Advised by Professor Rahvi Kumar
Summer 2012

Matt Baldwin ’14

Eric Laukkanen ‘12
Modeling and Tuning of Musical Percussive Beams
Advised by Professor Worland
Summer 2011

Eric Laukkanen ‘12

Casey Wall ‘12
The Zeeman Effect in Mercury
Advised by Professor Thorndike
Summer 2011

Casey Wall ‘12

Taylor Firman ‘11
Quantum Conundrums: Putting Quantum Mechanics to the Test with Bell’s Inequalities
dvised by Professor Thorndike
Summer 2010

Taylor Firman

Ricky Roy ‘11
Design and Characterization of a Micron Scale Metastable Helium Beam Source
Advised by Professor Elliott
Senior Thesis


Brooke Peaden ‘12
Acoustic Effect of Holes on a Brass Disk
Advised by Professor Worland
Summer 2010

>Brooke Peaden

Nathanael Seid ‘10
Dispersion Measurements of Dyes in Solution using White-Light Interferometry
Advised by Professor Spivey
Summer 2009

Nathanael Seid

Sara Bucht ‘10
Measuring Resistivity in Thin Films of Silver
Advised by Professor Elliott
Summer 2008


Sara Beck ‘08
Dispersion Measurements using White-Light Interferometry
Advised by Professor Spivey
Summer 2007

Sara Beck

Ben Ice ‘08
The Physics of Fuel Cells and the Hydrogen Economy
Advised by Professor Weber
Honors Thesis


Jonathan Tollerud ‘07
Laser Speckle Interferometry
Advised by Professor Worland
Senior Thesis

Jonathan Tollerud