Learn more about Summer Research grants and experiential learning opportunities.
Summer Research Funded by The UEC for Math & Sciences 2020
- Matt Garcia - Class of 2022 (Mathematics (Standard) (BS); Chemistry (MN)) "Analysis of Desferrioxamine-B and Hematite chemical surface interactinos by Second Harmonic Generation and Sum Frequency Generation"
- Lukas Karoly - Class of 2021 (Physics (BS); German Studies (BA)) "Calculating transition amplitudes of Majorana fermions mediated by background particles"
- Lohitvenkatesh Oswal - Class of 2021 (Biology (BS) "Screening for antifungal genes in the S. virgatus cloacal microbiome"
- Bryce Poplawsky - Class of 2022 (Biology (BS); Music (MN); Chemistry (MN)) "Pupping Phenology of Phoca vitulina and Climate Change: Timing and Peak Pupping"
- Miranda Roland - Class of 2022 (Chemistry (BS) "Synthesizing Amides Using Boric Acid as a Catalyst in the Presence of Additives"
Summer Research Funded by The UEC for Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences 2020
- Jenna Krueger - Class of 2021 (Psychology (BA); Education Studies Minor; Mathematics (MN)) "Investigating Job Stress for Professionals Working in Treatment Programs for Adolescents"
- Alexis Foldvary - Class of 2021 (Sociology & Anthropology (BA) "Utilization of Nurses in Healthcare Structure of the Cook Islands"
- Alex Jacobson - Class of 2021 (History (BA); Pol & Govt (Intrntl) (BA); French (MN)) "Nationalism in Medieval Scandinavia"
- Kyra Zapf - Class of 2021 (English (BA); Intd Humanities-Globl Mid Ages) "Intersections of Spanish and English Sumptuary Law and Textile Regulation from the 15th- 16th Century"
Summer Research Funded by The UEC for Arts, Humanities, Social Sciences 2019
- Kyra Zapf - Class of 2021 (English (BA); Intd Humanities-Global Mid Ages) "Succession Anxiety through Clothing in the Court of Henry VIII"
- Anna Barcus - Class of 2020 (Pol & Govt (U.S.) (BA); Environmental Policy & Dec Making) "The City of Tacoma’s Affordable Housing Action Strategy: An Investigation into the Policy-Making Process"
- Kylie Gurewitz - Class of 2020 (Religious Studies (BA); English (MN)) "Mindful of a Profit: Meditation Apps in the Global Context"
- Kate Gladhart-Hayes - Class of 2020 (Science,Tech, & Soc (BA); Neuroscience (MN); Bioethics Program) "The Half Life of Environmental Racism: The Historical Context and Bioethical Implications of Nuclear Waste on Indigenous Lands"
Summer Research Funded by The UEC for Math & Sciences 2019
- Erin Stewart - Class of 2020 (Biology (BS); Environmental Policy & Dec Making (MN)) "The Role of Beaver Dams in Mitigating Wildfire Impacts on Stream Ecosystems"
- Olivia Perotti - Class of 2020 (Molecular and Cell Biol (BS); Mathematics (MN); Politics & Govt (MN)) "Potential antifungal capabilities of S. virgatus cloacal microbiota"
- Lukas Karoly - Class of 2021 (Physics(BS) "How does ambient flow affect typical Vorticella orientation?"
- Katie Grainger - Class of 2020 (Biochemistry (BS); Performance (Orch) (BM)) "Development of a Non-Isotopic Protocol for the Quantification of Both Single and Double-Stranded Plasmid DNA Using an Electrophoretic-Based Assay"
Summer Research Funded by Other Organizations 2019
- Aliah McCord - Class of 2020 (Spanish Culture and Lit (BA); Pol & Govt (U.S.) (BA); Latina/o Studies (MN)) "The communities left behind - The impact of migration to the US on the communities of Oaxaca, Mexico" (funded by the Matelich Scholarship Foundation)
Summer Research Funded by The UEC for Arts, Humanities, Social Sciences 2018
- Crystal Poole - Class of 2019 (Psychology (BA); Mathematics (MN); Neuroscience Program) "Metaphors and Mind: How the Brain Processes Metaphors"
- Ayse Hunt - Class of 2019 (Computer Sci (Standard) (BS); Art History (MN)) "Digital Media Technology in Art Museums"
- Kate Roscher - Class of 2020 (Intl Political Econ (BA); Global Development Studies (MN)) "The International Folk Art Market: Cultural Commodification in the Global Marketplace"
Summer Research Funded by The UEC for Math & Sciences 2018
- Kara Ann Lamar - Class of 2019 (Classics (Language) (BA); Computer Sci (Contract) (BS); Mathematics (MN) "Using Neural Machine Translation to Complete Cicero’s Timaeus"
- Saad Moro - Class of 2019 (Mathematics (Standard) (BS); Computer Science (MN)) "Simplifying Markov Chain Theory Through Complex Polytopes"
- Elsa Salido - Class of 2021 (Biology (BS); Bioethics Program) "The Role of Phytochrome E in Tomato Plant Early Growth and Development"
- Jacob Shaffer - Class of 2019 (Molecular and Cell Biol (BS); Music (MN); Mathematics (MN)) "Effects of tun formation on the microbiome of the tardigrade"
Summer Research Funded by Other Organizations 2018
- Katie Grainger Class of 2020 (Molecular and Cell Biol (BS); Performance (Orch) (BM)) "Evaluation of candidates stuttering associated mutations: Variants in sex hormone metabolizing genes" (Funded by the National Institute of Health)
- Olivia Perotti - Class of 2020 (Molecular and Cell Biol (BS) "Does Flowing Water Change Cell Body Orientation in Vorticella convallaria" (Volunteer research in Rachel Pepper’s lab)
Summer Research Funded by The UEC for Arts, Humanities, Social Sciences 2017
- Lillian Bengtson - Class of 2018 (Psychology (BA); Spanish (MN)) "Birth and Bonding: The Impact of Birth Experience on Maternal-Infant Attachment"
- Madeline Brown - Class of 2018 (Sociology & Anthropology (BA); Gender Studies (MN)) "Leadership in Corporate Structures: An Analysis of Women’s Workplace Narratives"
- Ian Crocker - Class of 2019 (Religious Studies (BA); Music (MN)) "Free Music, Free Spirits: The Aesthetics of Revolution and Redemption in Jazz Music"
- Ayse Hunt - Class of 2019 (Computer Sci (Standard) (BS); Art History (BA); Mathematics (MN)) "Investigating the behavior of novice programmers in a large dataset"
- Kara Ann Lamar - Class of 2019 (Classics (Language) (BA); Computer Sci (Standard) (BS); Mathematics (MN)) "Augustine’s Original Sin: A Digital Mapping of Texts from Plato to Augustine"
- Helen Tschurr - Class of 2018 (History (BA); Religion (MN)) "Shadow Play: Gender Performativity in Medieval Law Told through the Cases of Joan of Arc, Henry VI of England, and Anne Boleyn"
- Benjamin Fallis -Class of 2018 (English (BA) "Unwieldy Tools: Philosophical Appropriation of Everyday Speech from Aristotle to Plotinus"
- Lura Morton -Class of 2019 Pol & Govt (Comparative) (BA); Religious Studies (MN) "Analyzing State Capacity in Qatar"
Summer Research Funded by The UEC for Math & Sciences 2017
- Jacob Shaffer Class of 2019 ((Molecular and Cell Biol (BS); Music (MN); Mathematics (MN)) "Comparative study of the diversity of meiofaunal symbiosis in high and low sulfide environments in Commencement Bay"
- Emily Stewart -Class of 2018 (Chemistry (BS); Mathematics (MN)) "Quantification of basal & pyramidal ice crystal facet roughness through SEM analysis"
- Ryan Apathy - Class of 2018 (Biochemistry (BS); Music (MN); Mathematics (MN)) "Investigating F-Box and 14-3-3 protein interactions as a novel regulator for the ubiquitin proteasome system"
- Tina Chapman - Class of 2018 (Molecular and Cell Biol (BS); Mathematics (MN); Computer Science (MN)) "Performing a meta-analysis on differentially expressed F-box genes under abiotic stresses in model plant Arabidopsis thaliana"
- Zane Molgaard - Class of 2018 (Molecular and Cell Biol (BS)) "Designing a better experimental approach for measuring salt stress responses in A. thaliana"
- Emma Elder - Class of 2018 (Biochemistry (BS) "Protein-ligand docking: Benchmarking HADDOCK for isoform-specific predictions
Summer Research Funded by Other Organizations 2017
- Erin Stewart - Class of 2020 (National Science Foundation); (Exercise Science (BS))
- Megan Tegman - Class of 2018 (National Science Foundation); (Molecular and Cell Biol (BS); Mathematics (MN)) "Using high ambiguity driven docking (HADDOCK) to predict isoform-specific JAK2 inhibitors"
Summer Research Funded by The UEC for Arts, Humanities, Social Sciences 2016
- Kathryn Stutz - Class of 2018 (Sociology & Anthropology (BA); Classics (Language) (BA)) "Qatar at the Crossroads: Transnational Museum Networks and the Balance of Communication, Curation, and Culture"
- Rachel Anderson, Science,Tech, & Soc (BA); Religion (MN); Chinese (MN)) "Seen through Steam: Narratives of Victorian Steam Technology"
- Helen Tschurr - Class of 2018 (History (BA); Religion (MN)) "Unwritten History: The Origins and Development of the British Constitution"
- Benjamin Fallis - Class of 2018 (English (BA) "Black is Beautiful: Race in Antillean Philosophical Anthropology"
- Annastasia Morairty - Class of 2017 (Psychology (BA); Chinese (MN); Bioethics Program; Neuroscience Program) "Does the herbicide paraquat affect associative learning in bumblebees (Bombus vosnesenskii) and can the antibiotic minocycline attenuate such cognitive deficits?"
- Megan Reich - Class of 2017 (Performance (Orch) (BM); Biology (BS)) "Nature as Music: How Acoustic Ecology and Ecomusicology Connect Public Audiences With Natural Soundscapes
Summer Research Funded by The UEC for Math & Sciences 2016
- Emma Elder - Class of 2018 (Biochemistry (BS) "Protein-Fragment Docking: Development of HADDOCK for Fragment-Based Drug Design"
- Zane Molgaard - Class of 2018 (Molecular and Cell Biol (BS)) "Exploring the Molecular Advantage of Polyploidization Through AtMYB52"
- Jordan Fonseca - Class of 2018 (Physics (BS); Mathematics (Standard) (BS)) "Construction and Testing of Ultrafast Spectroscopy Setup to Probe Luminescence Dynamics for the Development of Luminescent Solar Concentrators"
- Adam Herbertson - Class of 2017 (Molecular and Cell Biol (BS); Neuroscience) "Investigation of Paraquat Uptake and Neurotoxicity in Dopaminergic Neurons of Bublebees (Bombus Vosnesenskii) and its Potential Attenuation by the Neuroprotective Properties of the Antibiotic Minocycline"
- Jahrme Risner - Class of 2018 (Mathematics (Standard) (BS); Computer Sci (Standard) (BS); Music (MN))
"Authoring Open Source Textbooks and Monographs in the Humanities" - Andrew Brandt - Class of 2018( Mathematics (Standard) (BS); Physics (MN); Classics (MN)) "Simplifying the Inclusion-Exclusion Principle With Planar Graphs"
Summer Research Funded by The UEC for Arts, Humanities, Social Sciences 2013
- Jana Cary-Alvarez - Class of 2014 (History (BA); Religion (MN))
- Veronica Sagert- Class of 2014 (Molecular and Cell Biol (BS))