Puget Sound’s 2014 High School Tournament:
Dear Director of Forensics,
The Washington Alpha Chapter of Pi Kappa Delta National Forensics Honorary and the Communication Studies Department at the University of Puget Sound invite you and your students to participate in the 81st Annual Puget Sound High School Forensics Tournament, January 10th-11th, 2014.
We are excited to announce that the Puget Sound Tournament continues to receive a Semi-Finals Lincoln Douglas Debate bid to the Tournament of Champions. We are honored that the TOC recognized the excellent competition of the region and the tournament as a site where such excellence is demonstrated. We do believe that this will continue to increase demand to the tournament and ask that you register early. We will include a wait list option this year.
This year’s tournament will not be staged from Wheelock Student Center due to construction. Instead, we will run the tournament from Wyatt Hall. We will likely assign space for programs depending on the size of your entry. Coaches and chaperones will be responsible for ensuring their students keep those spaces clean. The cafeteria will remain open for attendee access. The tournament will also provide limited snacks for sale from Wyatt Hall. Specific details on tournament location will follow in the week prior to the tournament.
We continue the following:
- Individual Events: we continue to offer all individual events in one pattern. Students may enter no more than 3 events except those doing extemporaneous and dual interpretation who may enter no more than two events. Students may only enter 1 dual interpretation. Students are responsible for making it to rounds on time. Judges will be required to process ballots 1:45 minutes after the round start.
- Tournament Payment separate from Registration-check: Although the practice is atypical, we continue to schedule payment separate from registration as this significantly reduces the time for registration and the potential delays in getting the first rounds out on time. Please feel free to approach the ballot table to pay fees during the designated times or at your convenience if you notice the ballot table is experiencing a lull. If you are paying with a purchase order, at fee collection you will be provided with a receipt and appropriate paperwork. Coaches or guardians are responsible for turning that paperwork into accountants for processing of payment. Schools that owe for past tournament fees will need to remit those fees prior to registering for the tournament.
- On-line Tournament Entry: Tournament registration continues to be online. You must register to use this system at www.forensicstournament.net. If you have any problems with the site, please let me know at dbuescher@pugetsound.edu.
Enclosed with this letter please find documents on:
- General Information, Tournament Speech Statement, Explanation of Entry Fees, Tournament Schedule, Registration information
We hope you will join us in January for a friendly and competitive tournament experience that celebrates the University of Puget Sound’s commitment to excellence in forensics education.
Derek Buescher, Director of Forensics
Drake Skaggs, Parliamentary Coach
James Stevenson, Policy Coach
Thomas Schally, Policy Coach