- Honors Program
- School of Music
- Theatre Arts

Prof. Chiu works on problems in large-scale data processing and cloud computing. He enjoys teaching project-based courses in the introductory sequence, databases, and operating systems.

Both Prof. Fortmann’s research and teaching focus on international sustainable development and environmental economics. She teaches both introductory and upper-level economics classes.

Prof. Kapalczynski’s research interests include investments, financial markets/institutions, and corporate governance. She teaches financial management, international finance, and personal finance classes.

Prof. Masden researches the topological "shape" of data and neural networks in machine learning. Her general interests are in the application of topology, geometry, and combinatorics in the support of the computational and natural sciences.

Prof. Tubert’s research is in moral philosophy and action theory. She also has interests in social and legal philosophy, Latin American Philosophy, and ethical issues in artificial intelligence and the environment.