The following student theses are selections from the Senior Research Seminar. More will be added as they become available.
- Cassidy Brage, Internet Gambling: Risky Business
- Luke Brossman, The Federal Helium Program: Problems with Government Policy and the Future of a Non-Renewable Resource
- Darren N. Chu, Bitcoin: A Theoretical Analysis of Money Choice
- Brian Gerrity, Consumer Choice and Environmental Taxation
- Ashlynn Holbert, Financing the American Road-Trip: Value Capture of the Highway System
- Ricky Howard, Influences of Ethnic Group Identification on Earnings Capacity
- Heather Kerr, Mobile Devices and Their Role in Agricultural Markets in sub-Saharan Africa: A Microeconomic Analysis of Mobile Phone Incorporation into the Farm Household Behavior Model
- Rufus Lama, E-Commerce: An Historical Examination on the Disruptive Nature of Technology and Future Implications for E-Commerce Firms
- Zachary Ludwig, The Business of the Party: Developmental Transitions in Taiwan and Malaysia
- Melissa Marlin, Security Spending in Schools as an Independent Variable in an Education Production Function
- Theodore Matthews, A Theoretical Approach: Examining the Educated Unemployment Rate and International Skilled Migration of Developing Countries
- Spenser McDonald, California’s Water Crisis: The Black Hole of Water
- Kenji Sekino, When Contempt Causes Animosity: How Criminals Perceive Criminal Deterrence
- Margaret Simonson-Kowitz, Renewable Energy: Is the Move Towards Clean Energy Beneficial to Employment?
- Taylor Smith, Where has the American Dream Gone?
- Emma Abraham, The Tacoma Link Light Rail: A Case Study of the Effectiveness of Rapid Transit
- Joseph L. Cerne, Promoting Renewable Energy Generation in the United States
- Lev Nachman, Contributing Your Notes: The Potential of Voluntary Contribution Music Markets
- Travis Lim, The Rise of Peer-to-Peer Platforms and the Change in the Borrower’s Rational Choice
- Emily Masangcay, The Effect of the National School Lunch Program (NSLP) on Educational Attainment
- Thomas Merritt, Political Incentives and Municipal Policymaking in Cities in Fiscal Distress
- James Oppenheimer, Who Does High Employment Regulation Really Impact? An Investigation to See How Typical Employment Regulation Impacts Part-Time and Temporary Employment
- Oliver B. Rozon, Standardized Tests: What Factors Affect How a Student Does on These Exams?
- Margot Turek, Policy Suggestions to Reduce Economic Consequences of Sleep Curtailment in the United States
- Jeff Walton, An Empirical Exploration of the Effects of Natural Gas Prices on Solar Energy Growth
- Aaron Cutts, Modeling Change in Equlibrium Scientific Investment with Respect to Economic Return
- Rachel Warren Edgar, Allocating Excess Revenue for a Fine Arts Nonprofit
- Diana Fahning, Country Clubs and Taxation: A Cost-Benefit Analysis of the Non-Profit Status of Country Clubs
- Greg Gorence, If it’s Not Broken, Improve It: Theoretical Expansion of Free, Open Source Software Provision Through Nonprofit Designation
- Kelsey Johnson, Local Versus Global: Examining the Role of Nonprofits in Forest Conservation and Conflicts between Local and International Organizations
- Adam Krauland, The Changing Role of Non-Profit Microfinance: An analysis of the changes in aspects of microfinance outreach over the last decade
- Keila Meginnis, Cycle of the Recycle: Secondhand Clothing Donations Abroad and the Role of the Nonprofit
- Andy Read, Crowdfunding: An Empirical and Theoretical Model of Non-Profit Support
- Stuart Schaefer, An Argument for the Repeal of Tax Preferences to Large One-Time Donations to Non-Profit Higher Educational Institutions with Mega-Endowments
- Catherine A. Tinkham, Plant with Purpose and its Impact on Development: A look at the generation of both social and human capital and its impact on development
Fall 2011
- Kevin Bohm, Examining Growth: Religious Motivation and Megachurch Behavior
- Matthew Heflin, Education, Research and Spending Decisions
- Ian Libby, The Efficient Land Trust: Considering Privately Accruing Non-Market Values of Conservation Easements
- Christopher Luich, Convergence into Emergence: Hybrid Entrepreneurship
- J. Marcus Rudd, The Impact Governance and Club Structure Has on a Team’s Spending Power: A Case Study on the German Bundesliga
- Hope Shaffer, The Impact of Tacoma/Pierce County Habitat for Humanity on Neighborhood Property Values
- Jackson Simon, The Economic Viability of the L3C Business Entity
Fall 2010
- Kevin Chambers, Environmental Water Rights Transfers in a Nonprofit Institutional Structure
- Hunter Dulin, Survival of the Fittest: Examining Utility Maximization and Consumer Choice Theory in an Attempt to Maximize Nonprofit Funding
- David Travis Freidman, What’s the Difference?: Wage Differentials and the Donative-Labor Hypothesis in Non-Profit Firms
- Zack Keim, Optimal Portfolio Selection of Credit Unions and the Probability of Failure
- Christina Lee, Sustaining Welfare for Consumers in the Credit Card Industry
- Nina Felicia Perl, A Bridge to Unite the Nonprofit Sector & the Federal Government: H.R. 5533
- Gratia Ratzloff, Going for the Gold: The United States Olympic Committee as a Nonprofit
- Alyssa Renosto, Correcting Market Failure in the Internet Gambling Industry: An Economic Analysis of Legalization and Licensing Regulation in the United States
- Zachary Semago, Online Schooling: Trading in Context for Profit
- Zachary Sherman, Microinsurance: An Effective Risk Management Tool for the Poor?
- Alex Usher, Incentivizing Technological Growth: A Symbiotic Relationship int he Software Industry
- Elizabeth Whitaker, Language Acquisition of the Children of Immigrants and the Role of Non-Profit Organizations
Fall 2009
- Laurel Alyn-Forest, Resource Conservation: How Environmental Nonprofits Facilitate Long Run Optimal Resource Allocation
- Griffin Bell, The Dilution of Non-profit Signals: The Case for the 501(c)(3)/501(c)(4) Segmentation of Church Finances
- Darin Leedy, Corporate Social Responsibility and Nonprofit Organizations
- Carly McClure, Signaling Theory in Credence Good Markets: The Need for Third-Party Certification
- Donald Moenning, Quality and Value Consideration in Higher Education
- Roy Teng, The Efficiencies and the Costs of E-Philanthropy
Fall 2008
- Bailey, Greg. Does Winning Lead to Giving? The Effect of Athletics on Alumni Giving at a Small Liberal Arts College
- Eggers, Brian. The Impact of Accepting Government Funds on a Faith-Based Organization: A Case Study of the Northwest Leadership Foundation
- Harvey, Adam. Incentives for Pharmaceutical Research and Development: Investigating the Implications of the Bayh-Dole Act on Nonprofit Basic Science Research
- Heyman, Ross. Pay It Forward: Economics, Leadership, and Alumni Giving
- Mitchell, Spencer. Surfrider: Bringing a Wave of Information Through Collective Action, an Individual Choice and Collective Action Analysis in an Environmental Setting
- Taylor, Zechariah. Hunger in America: An Economic Analysis of U.S. Food Assistance
- Whitcomb, Mason. The Effects of Baby Boomers on Nonproft Hospitals and Medicare
Fall 2007
- Adrian, Patrick. The Past, Present and Future of Structured Product Ratings
- Amland, Nick. Competitive Microfinance: Its Effects and Needed Adjustments
- Baars, David. Utilizing the Washington Water Markets for the Preservation of Columbia River Basin Salmon Stock
- Boniwell, Matt. The United Way’s Effects on Donor Behavior
- Bruce, Jessica. The European Neighborhood Policy and the Ukraine: Incentives for Economic and Political Reform
- Carr, Caroline. Recognizing Transaction Costs Associated with Offshore Outsourcing to India
- Chen, Y. Allen. A Study of the Chinese Toy Market: Does an Oligopsony Structure Force Manufacturers to Cut Costs?
- Chue, Pholeng. Incentives to Dual Practice: New Institutional Economic Analysis of Canada’s Mixed Public-Private Health Sector
- DeHart, Katerina. Providing Donors an Incentive for Ex Ante Investment in Disaster Relief
- Francis, Kirby. Individual Interests, Public Detriments: An Institutional Economics Analysis of the ICCAT’s Atlantic Bluefin Tuna Policies
- Krueger, Mckenna. The Promotion of Environmental Management System (EMS) Development Through Regulatory Changes
- Libecap, Christopher. Conservation and Management of Wildlands
- Marsh, Taylor. The Future of Credit Unions
- O’Neil, Ana. Solving the Childhood Obesity Epidemic: Why and How
- Parker, Andrew. $2.7 Trillion Up In The Air: Aircraft Manufacturer’s Predictions; with an Infrastructure Reanalysis
- Platts, Justin. The Tropical Rainforest Market Failure: An Argument for the Pursuance of Conpensation for Conservation Policy
- Schultz, Katie. The Role of Tennis in Generating Social Capital
- Scoll, M.B. Inefficiency and Misinformed Investment in Ethanol: Arguing Misunderstood Scale Efficiency and Misallocated Investment in Domestic Ethanol Producting Including an NIE Treatment of Vertical Integration
- Seng, Pauline. Increasing Competition in the U.S. Domestic Airline Industry through International Competition
- Shum, Alex. Collective Corruption and Social Networks in China
- Swanson, Gregory. A Restructuring of Nonprofit Professional Sports Leagues in North America
- Twist, Alex. Recommendations for the Optimal Allocation of Radio Spectrum Licenses in the European Union
- Wikstrom, Dana. Nonprofit to For-Profit Hospital Conversions: The Effect on Charitable Care
- Yi, Peter. The Marketplace of Ideas: Government Regulation Failures and Nonprofit Solutions
Fall 2006
- De Voursney, Renee. Asset Welfare: A Different Approach in the War on Poverty
- Donnelly, Connor. An Examination into the Significance of Robust Accounting Standards
- Hardwick, Brittana L. Commercialization of Nonprofit Organizations: A New Model
- Hoang, Linh. Looking Good or Learning Good? An Education Production Function with Ancillary Services as an Input
- Justham, Drew. Information Discovery in Professional Sports: How Institutions of the NFL and MLB Shape Incentives to Scout Potential Players
- Martin, Jess. China’s Household Registration System, Economic Growth, and Stability
- Mayer, Leslie. The Effect of Gender Differences to the Employment of Women in the Nonprofit Sector (DOC)
- Morzuch, Emma L. The Economic Impact of Cause-Related Marketing on Profit Maximizing Organizations and Nonprofit Organizations
- Mueller, Brennan. Multiple Sources of Funding in Nonprofit Housing Development: Obstacle of Opportunity?
- Nehls, Jeffrey. Network Effects in the Demand for Cigarettes
- Oates, Andrew. Immigration in Sweden: The Impact on Unemployment, Productivity, and Crime
- Peterson, Richard. Is Organic a Market or a Meaning? The Changing Market Structure of Organic Milk
- Rakitan, T.J. The Meat Market: A Philosophical Inquiry into the Nature of the Economics of Dating and Relationships
- Reese, Matthew R. Multi-product Nonprofit Hospitals: A Model
- Stanbery, Russel. Growing Competition: The Struggle Between Human Capital and Social Capital
- Thompson, Amy. The National Oral Health Disparity: Causes, Concerns, and Solutions
- Woolf, Kathryn. Public Support of Performing Arts in America: Investing in the Past, Present or Future?
- Yu, Kevin. Dating Economics: A Study of the Decision Making Process
Spring 2006
- Boyle, Derek. Exerting Influence on Wall Street: The Economics of Greenmail
- Brozena, Scott. You Did What With my Retirement? Moral Hazard, The Pension Benefit Guarantee Corporation and Pension Plans
- Gray, Ashley. When Moral Hazard is Good: A Critique of the United States Health Insurance System
- Griggs, Galen. Ten Dollars on Informational Asymmetries to Win, and Why People Bet on Horse Races
- Harker, McKenzie M. The Microfinance Movement: An Analysis of the Reach and Scope of Microfinance Institutions in the Developing World
- Jura, Jennifer. The Big Bang in European Transition to Market Economies Following the Fall of the Soviet Union
- Matt, Svetlana. The Evolution and Demise of the Multi-Fibre Arrangement: Examining the Path of Institutional Change in the Textile and Apparel Quota Regime
- Russell, Kelsey M. The Plight of the Poor in America’s Legal System: A Study of the Incentives at Work in the Legal Representation of Indigent Clients in America
- Senkyrik, Adam. ebay Pricing: Comparison of Institutions and Mechanisms Present on eBay and the IPO Marker and the Impact on Pricing
Spring 2005
- Corporate Fraud and the Impact of Sarbanes-Oxley
- The Effects of Endogenous Switching Costs on Consumer Choice
- The Failure of Property Rights Formalization in Liberalizing Countries
- Transaction Costs of Privatizing Social Security: Lessons From Abroad
- Forgeries and the Art Market
- Imperfect Information and Transaction Costs for Contraception in the United States and Abroad
- Institutional Failures: The Effect of Digital File Sharing on the Music Market
- Market Secrets: A Short History of Predatory Lending
- "Return Denied" and More Serious Consequences of Modern Blacklists
- Risk Communication and Asymmetric Information in the Case of Mad Cow Disease