
School of Music

1500 North Warner St. #1076
Tacoma, WA 98416-1076


Music Admissions


The School of Music awards scholarships to talented students on the basis of an audition and academic factors in their application, regardless of intended major. These competitive awards are contingent upon admission to Puget Sound and enrollment as a full-time student.

The School of Music offers scholarships for all band and orchestral instruments, voice, piano, organ, and jazz. Scholarship recipients are required to maintain academic standards, take studio lessons on their major instrument, and participate in ensembles or serve as accompanists.

Music scholarships are in addition to merit scholarships. The awarding of music scholarships considers both the quality of the audition and the potential contribution to the School of Music. Students who receive music scholarships may also be considered for need-based aid, if applicable. Please visit Financing Your Education for helpful information and planning resources.

To apply for a music scholarship, first review the entrance audition requirements and complete the Music Audition Application to schedule an audition. We strongly recommend live auditions, but video-recorded auditions will be considered for those who live 3 or more hours from campus.