In this section

Arielle Harvey ’19 is pursuing an MFA program in painting at the California College of the Arts in San Francisco.

Lauren Taber ’22 (Painting) earned her MAT in elementary education at Pacific Lutheran University.

Michael Fortenberry ’20 (Sculpture) earned an MFA degree in Studio Art/Sculpture at the State University of New York, New Paltz, NY in 2023. He was a finalist in the Season 15 Manifest Grand Jury Prize.

Walker Hewitt ’19 (Painting) participated in an artist residency at Bread and Salt, San Diego, CA in November, 2021.

Sophia Munic ’19 (Sculpture) was an emerging artist in 2019 at the Franconia Sculpture Park in Shafer, MN.

Justine Jones ’19 (Painting) had an art show at the Gathering Space Art Gallery, Bellarmine Preparatory School in February 2020.

Samual J. Crookston Herschlag ’18 (Sculpture) attended San Jose State University’s Spatial Arts program.

Ian Chandler ’18 (Sculpture) was an Artist in Residence at the Holter Museum, Helena, MT. Ian was accepted to the MFA program in sculpture at the University of Wisconsin, Madison.

Bryce Monser ’17 (Sculpture) earned a Masters of Science degree in Urban Planning and Development at Washington University, St Louis, MO. Bryce works as a Community Planning Manager at Trailnet in St. Louis.

Rachel Kaman ’16 earned an MFA degree in painting from Sam Fox School of Design and Visual Art, Washington University, St. Louis. She currently lives in Portland, OR where she paints and teaches.

Erin Wheary ’13 (Sculpture/Printmaking) received her MFA in Sculpture from the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth. Erin taught as adjunct professor in sculpture for the University of Puget Sound, spring semester 2019 and as Visiting Assistant Professor at Swhathmore College in 2020-2021. Erin held an Artist Residency at Chateau Orquevaux, France and later served as Associate Director at Chateau Orquevaux Artist Residency, France in 2021-2022.

Kelsey Alger (Vogan) ’13 (Painting) earned an MFA in interdisciplinary arts at Lesley University, Cambridge in 2023.

Lauren Faulkner ’10 (Painting) earned an MFA in painting at the New York Academy of Fine Arts in 2023.

Katy Cowan ’04 (Sculpture) had solo exhibitions at the Philip Martin Gallery, Los Angeles, CA, the Document Space in Chicago, IL, and the Kate Werble Gallery in New York, NY in recent years. Katy also exhibited her work in group exhibitions in Berlin (German), Riga (Latvia), Berkeley, CA, Milwaukee, WI, Grand Forks ND, St. Augustine, FL in the US. Katy lives and works in Berlin, Germany.


Read about Painting Alumni as Thomas J. Watson Fellows.

The Thomas J. Wat­son Fel­low­ship is a one-year grant for pur­pose­ful, inde­pen­dent explo­ration out­side the Unit­ed States, award­ed to grad­u­at­ing seniors nom­i­nat­ed by one of 41 part­ner insti­tu­tions.


See residencies and shows by sculpture alumni.

Rachel Kalman ’16 (Painting) and Matt Hufford ’16 (Painting) both completed their MFA degrees in spring 2019.  Rachel graduated from Washington University, Saint Louis and Matt from Boston University.  See examples of their work and information in their links, and images in the gallery above.

Gaby Yoque ’16 (Printmaking) also completed her MFA thesis this past spring (2019) from California College of the Arts; the Graduate Fine Arts Exhibition was held in March at Minnesota Street Project in San Francisco. She is currently doing another installation using the same prints. 

Emily Menk ’14 (Printmaking) recently graduated from the M.S. program in Counseling and Student Personnel (College Student Affairs) at Minnesota State University, Mankato. She is now the Assistant Director for Recognized Student Organizations, Leadership, and Nontraditional Students at Minnesota State University, Mankato. She oversees three areas within Student Activities: the Recognized Student Organizations Office, the Leadership U program, and the Nontraditional Student Resources Office. 

Carolyn Corl ’15 is currently a candidate in the Master of Landscape Architecture program at the University of Oregon. Carolyn shares “my art background (especially the precision of printmaking) has served me incredibly well in this program.”  This summer, Carolyn is also doing a landscape architecture residency at the Overlook Field School in Waverly, Pennsylvania.

Priscilla Dobler ’09 had a solo exhibition, La Cocina, at Method Gallery in Seattle from September 14-October 27, 2018; had an art show in Seattle at ArtXchange Gallery in Pioneer Square, November 2017; was awarded a two-month art residency at Mass MoCA; in 2018, she had her first solo show in Seattle at Method Gallery showing La Cocina (Kitchen installation with audio recordings); exhibited La Sala (Living room installation with audio and video projections) at Feast in early 2018; received the fall 2016 artist residency at Marfa Contemporary; she received her MFA in Sculpture from SUNY, New Paltz.

Ariel Scholten ’10 (Painting) is currently a Master of Architecture student at the University of Washington.  She exhibited her paintings at Atelier Drome from October 4, 2018-January 31, 2019. She won third place in a competitive national architecture design contest.

Alexander Keyes ’10 (Sculpture) had a solo show at Method Gallery, Seattle, WA (2018); displayed work in Shunkpike’s Seattle Storefronts Project, Seattle, WA; participated in Treat America Project, Treat Gallery, New York, NY; had an Artist-in-Resident Exhibition with Dakota Gearhart at Flutter Studios October 2016; recently exhibited his work titled "to: europa" at Gallery 4Culture in Seattle, WA; was the Resident Artist at the University of Texas, El Paso; received his MFA in Sculpture from the University of Oregon; had a sculpture displayed on Tollefson Plaza in downtown Tacoma during the summer of 2010; was awarded the prestigious *International Sculpture Center’s Outstanding Student Achievement in Contemporary Sculpture Award for 2010.

Lianna Hamby ’17 (Painting) was accepted into the University of Washington’s Museology Graduate Program.  She began her master’s degree in fall 2018.

Haley Andres ’14 (Painting) was a 2014-15 Watson Fellow. Her project, Art as Therapy: A Cross-Cultural Exploration of Art-Based Trauma Recovery brought her to six countries on four continents. She is currently working as a Graduate and Fellowship Associate at the Posse Foundation. 

Alison Grimm ’12 (Sculpture) received her MFA in Sculpture from Wayne State University in Detroit. She was awarded a Graduate Teaching Assistantship by the university, assisted a professor with a sculpture class, and taught her own class in Spring 2015. She also exhibited her work in a juried show at the Mid-America College Art Association’s biennial conference in Detroit, Michigan. The exhibit ran August 3 - October 6, 2012, at Wayne State University’s Elaine L. Jacob Gallery.  

Kyrianna Bolles ’18 was employed by Tacoma Art Museum as a Museum Educator and Teaching Artist. 

Dina Mustakim ’16 is earning an MFA in Production Design (building film and TV sets for the most part) at Chapman University in Southern California.

Maia Raedar ’16 entered Western Washington University’s Secondary Education Master’s Program, fall 2018.

Aaron Badham ’11 (Sculpture) accepted a tenure-line position in the Department of Art at Hastings College in Nebraska where he will be the Sculpture Area Coordinator. In June 2014, Aaron was awarded the prestigious *International Sculpture Outstanding Student Achievement in Contemporary Sculpture Award. His work was in the October 2014 issue of Sculpture magazine and on the International Sculpture Center website. He received his MFA in Sculpture from the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth. Aaron was also one of sixteen of the best up-and-coming artists selected from hundreds of applications who have been invited to showcase and sell their cutting-edge work, in the exhibition UNTAPPED Emerging Artists Competition, in Toronto, Canada, March 1-4, 2012.

Olivia Sherman ’17 (Painting) attends Tyler School of Art’s MFA program. She was awarded a full ride fellowship and a monthly stipend. She attended Tufts’ Post-Baccalaureate Program and deferred admission to the New York Art Academy’s MFA program.

Jonathan Steele ’14 (Ceramics) accepted an adjunct position at Lane Community College in Eugene, OR. He attended the MFA at Oregon College of Art and Design. He served as the adjunct ceramics instructor (2018), and hadn’t made a figurative piece since he was a student—then he was asked to teach the class. Read all about it in Puget Sound Stories!; while at Pleasant Hill Pottery he was featured in Ceramic Arts Daily; he exhibited work “Legacy Emergent,” at Blackfish Gallery. 

Haley Shoemaker ’17 (Printmaking) is a Teach for America volunteer in Tulsa, OK.

Gabrielle Berman ’17 (Painting) attended New York Academy of Art’s Summer Residency Program.

Grace Best-Devereux ’16 (Sculpture) worked in the Seattle Art Museum’s communications department; was admitted into Seattle University’s MA in Arts Administration program and to Sotheby’s Institute of Art in London. 

Olivia Turner ’15 was admitted to DePaul University and University of the Arts - Philadelphia’s MAT programs.

Haley Andres ’14 deferred her admission to the London Royal Academy of Art, Phd program.

Ursula Beck ’13 was admitted to Malmø Art Academy’s MFA in Critical and Pedagogical Studies.

Grace Dyer ’10 was admitted into the Savannah College of Art and Design and University of Illinois at Chicago MFA in Industrial Design programs.

Gloria Treseder ’08 recently completed her MFA at the University for the Creative Arts in Canterbury, Kent. While in Canterbury she engaged in a number of multi-media installations and a couple of public art commissions including, “Traveller’s Joy!” mural on Canterbury East Rail Footbridge.

Gabby Hall ’15 (Ceramics) exhibited work in “Community and Connection: Ceramic Work from Multnomah Arts Center and the Region,” at the Multnomah Arts Center.

Jordan Meyers ’14 (Ceramics) made and supplied the pints for Imminent Brewery in Northfield, MN.  

Molly Gallagher ’12 was accepted into the animation M.A. program at Savannah School of Art & Design. 

Dana McGinnis ’10 exhibited her cyanotype prints at The Bottlehouse located in the Seattle neighborhood of Madrona. 

Maia Raeder ’16 had a summer internship at the Sitka Center in Oregon from June-September 2016.

Peter Stanley ’09 (Sculpture/Politics and Government) was appointed to the Metro Parks Culture and Heritage Advisory Council. He also currently serves as Gallery Manager of Kittredge Gallery, University of Puget Sound.

Erica Rochelle ’14 (Chinese focus in Asian Studies-Art Minor) was accepted into the MFA program at New York Academy of Fine Art for painting.

Dan Hodges ’07 (Sculpture) received his MFA from Applied Craft & Design Program at the Oregon College of Art and Craft and is building furniture and designing products for fishing.

Isaac Lewin ’11 (Printmaking) is an MFA candidate at San Jose State and was recently profiled at Los Retratos.

Bianca Jarvis ’15 (Printmaking) is an MFA candidate at the Minneapolis College of Art and Design (MCAD). 

Kendra Iringan ’10 (Painting) plans on entering the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts Post-baccalaureate program Fall 2015. 

Julia Blitch ’08 (Sculpture) received her MFA in Sculpture from the University of New Mexico.

Whitney Hanlon ’08 (Sculpture) received her MFA in Sculpture from the Claremont Graduate University.

Daniel Mitchell ’05 (Sculpture) received his MFA in Sculpture from SUNY, New Paltz.

Sarah Koik ’07 is the founder and a board member of an artist residency program in Mendocino County, California called Project 387.

Ben Sample ’13 was awarded the 11th Annual Library Senior Art Award for his sculpture work titled "Progress". This piece was displayed in the Collins Memorial Library on the UPS campus for one year. 

Eden Ferry ’11 attended graduate school at the University of California, Berkeley, in the Landscape Architecture program.

Jenni Denekas was accepted into the MFA in Applied Craft and Design Program at the Pacific Northwest College of Art in Portland, Oregon.

Coree Affleck ’05 was accepted into the graduate program at the University of Delaware with a full scholarship and stipend.

Kelby Schweitzer ’12 interned at the Tacoma Art Museum and department alums Lauren Faulkner and Peter Reilly both work in the curatorial department at the museum. 

*The International Sculpture Center (ISC) established the annual “Outstanding Student Achievement in Contemporary Sculpture Award” program in 1994 to recognize young sculptors and to encourage their continued commitment to the field.  It was also designed to draw attention to the sculpture programs of the participating universities, colleges and art schools.  The award program’s growing publicity resulted in a record number of participating institutions; including over 176 universities, colleges, and art school sculpture programs from sixteen countries for a nominated total of 445 students.  A distinguished panel made up of artist and educator Creighton Michael, curator Rocio Aranda-Alvarado, and artist Oliver Herring selected twenty winners and fifteen honorable mentions through a competitive viewing process of the works submitted.  The selection of the winners from a large pool of applicants, including international students, is a great accomplishment and testament to the artistic promise of the students’ work. The twenty award recipients participated in the Grounds For Sculpture’s Fall/Winter Exhibition, which was on view from October 10, 2010-January 2, 2011 in Hamilton, New Jersey, adjacent to the ISC headquarters.  The artist’s work was included in Grounds For Sculpture’s 2010 Fall/Winter Exhibitions Catalogue and featured in the October 2010 issue of the International Sculpture Center’s award-winning publication, Sculpture magazine as well as on the ISC award-winning website at