

In the Department of Art and Art History’s printmaking area, students develop their studio practice and critical thinking through the language of multiples. A complete range of print media is offered including intaglio, relief, screenprint, and lithography, in addition to experimental, photo-mechanical and digitally-augmented methods. In addition to a rigorous environment of making prints, students write, critique each other’s work and engage with historical and contemporary print works.

Students have the opportunity to explore many print strategies, including editioning, serial imagery, installation, and hybrid approaches. Classes also provide opportunities for collaboration, community engagement, and lectures and demonstrations by visiting artists.

Beginning courses in the printmaking area provide a thorough introduction to the making, visual language, and broader context of prints. Intermediate coursework allows students to further develop their studio practice by focusing on one of the major print areas or working with a combination of processes and formats. Throughout the printmaking curriculum at Puget Sound, students express their voice while honing their creative, critical, and technical abilities.

Equipment in Printmaking Lab

  • 25"x45" Takach Lithography press

  • 30"x48" Takach Etching Press

  • 27"x42" Charles Brand Intaglio Press

  • Two Ferric Chloride Etching Tanks for Copper

  • 2 hot plates

  • 40"x28" Rosin Box for aquatint

  • 24" metal chopper

  • 22"x26" Nuarc Exposure Light Unit

  • Several inking stations and work desk

  • Many relief gouges

  • Many screenprint screens, platens and squeegees

  • Fume Hood





  • Many brayers and rollers

  • Etching sink

  • Paper soaking sink

  • Stone grinding sink

  • Screenprint sink with powerhose

  • Several lithography stones

  • Large and small drying racks

  • Fletcher mat cutter

  • Light table

  • 2 paper cutters

  • Flat files for students to store work

  • Various intaglio tools

  • Starlight LED screen exposure unit