
Requirements for the Major or Minor

General university degree requirements stipulate that 1) at least four units of the major or three units of the minor be taken in residence at Puget Sound; 2) students earn at least a cumulative GPA of 2.0 in courses taken for the major or the minor; and 3) all courses taken for a major or minor must be taken for graded credit. Any exceptions to these stipulations are indicated in the major and minor degree requirements listed below.

Requirements for the Major in Neuroscience (BA)

  1. The Neuroscience major is a secondary major that can be chosen only after a primary major in another field is chosen. A major in Neuroscience cannot be completed unless a primary major in another department or program is also completed.
  2. 5 concentrations: NeuroPhilosophy, NeuroEconomics; NeuroSpirituality, NeuroArts or NeuroBioethics.
  3. Completion of 8 units:
    1. BIOL 101 or BIOL111
    2. PSYC 101
    3. NRSC 201: Introduction to Neuroscience
    4. An introductory course in the Concentration:
      • Neuro Philosophy: PHIL 230 Philosophy of Mind
      • Neuro Economics: ECON 102 Introduction to Behavior and Choice
      • Neuro Arts: THTR 200 The Theatrical Experience or ARTS 101 Visual Concepts through Painting and Drawing or ARTS 103 Visual Concepts through Drawing and Print Media
      • Neuro Spirituality: REL 208 Yoga, Psychedelics and Mind Science
      • Neuro Bioethics: REL/BIOE/PHIL 292 Basics of Bioethics
    5. Two courses from within the Concentration
      • Neuro Philosophy: PHIL 340 and one elective from PHIL 102, 105, 250, 286, 333, 336, 350
      • Neuro Economics: two electives from ECON 291, 341, 365, 380; CONN 481
      • Neuro Arts: two electives from ARTS 251; THTR 215, 217, 300, 313
      • Neuro Spirituality: two electives from REL/BIOE 292; REL 300, 301, 325, 332, 340, 342, 344, 350, 450, 460
      • Neuro Bioethics: two electives from BIOE 255; BIOE/REL 272; PHIL 105, 230; REL 298
    6. One elective outside the concentration
      • Neuro Philosophy: BIOL 212, 361, 434, 472; CONN 354, 357, 393, 481; CSCI 431; ECON 291, 365; EXSC 221, 222, 328, 424; NRSC 350; PSYC 230, 310, 313, 335, 351, 373; REL 301, 340, 450; STHS 318, 333
      • Neuro Economics: BIOE 292; BIOL 212, 361, 434, 472; CONN 354, 357, 393; CSCI 431; EXSC 221, 222, 328, 424; NRSC 350; PHIL 102, 105, 230, 250, 286, 292, 333, 336, 350; PSYC 230, 310, 313, 335, 351, 373; REL 292, 301, 340, 450; STHS 318, 333
      • Neuro Arts: BIOE 292; BIOL 212, 361, 434, 472; CONN 354, 357, 375, 393, 481; CSCI 431; ECON 291, 365; EXSC 221, 222, 328, 424; NRSC 350; PHIL 102, 105, 230, 250, 286, 292, 333, 336, 350; PSYC 230 310, 313, 335, 351, 373; REL 292, 301, 340, 450; STHS 318, 333
      • Neuro Spirituality: BIOL 212, 361, 434, 472; CONN 354, 357, 393, 481; CSCI 431; ECON 291, 365; EXSC 221, 222, 328, 424; NRSC 350; PHIL 102, 105, 230, 250, 286, 333, 336, 350; PSYC 230, 310, 313, 335, 351, 373; STHS 318, 333
      • Neuro Bioethics: BIOL 212, 361, 434, 472; CONN 354, 357, 393, 481; CSCI 431; ECON 291, 365; EXSC 221, 222, 328, 424; NRSC 350; PHIL 102, 250, 286, 333, 336, 350; PSYC 230, 310, 313, 335, 351, 373; REL 301, 340, 450; STHS 318, 333
    7. NRSC 450 Senior Seminar
  4. Completion of either an internship, performance, or research experience in the disciplinary concentration and approved in advance by the steering committee. (Note: students must meet with a neuroscience advisor and submit an application for internship/research prior to the end of the second semester of their junior year.)


  1. No more than one elective course may be used to fulfill the student’s primary major and the Neuroscience secondary major.
  2. Except for the restriction in Note 1 above, courses that satisfy Neuroscience major requirements may also apply to core, minor, and other major requirements.
  3. Selection of elective courses should be made in consultation with a neuroscience advisor.
  4. Course credit earned from an internship or research experience does not count toward the required eight units of coursework outlined above. However students can count internships towards both their primary major and Neuroscience, with approval from the director.

Requirements for the Minor in Neuroscience

  1. Completion of five units to include:
    1. NRSC 201, Introduction to Neuroscience (prerequisite: BIOL 111 or BIOL 101 with permission of instructor or permission of instructor).
    2. Completion of three units of elective courses from the list below at least two from outside the student’s major. Electives: BIOL 212, 361, 434, 472; CONN 354, 357, 375, 393, 481; CSCI 431; ECON 291, 365; EXSC 221, 222, 328, 424; NRSC 350; PHIL 102, 250, 280, 286, 333, 336, 340, 350; PSYC 230, 310, 313, 335, 351, 373; REL 292, 301, 336, 340, 450; STHS 318, 333.
    3. NRSC 450 Senior Seminar
  2. Completion of either an internship or research experience in the discipline and approved in advance by the steering committee. (Note: students must meet with a neuroscience advisor and submit an application for internship/research prior to the end of the second semester of their junior year.) Course credit earned from an internship or research experience does not count toward the required five units of course work outlined above.