The information below is only for students who declared the Humanities Minor prior to Spring 2018.
See the current Degree Requirements for Interdisciplinary Humanities Emphasis.
General Requirements for the Minor
General university degree requirements stipulate that 1) three units of the minor be taken in residence at Puget Sound; 2) students earn a minimum GPA of 2.0 in courses taken for the minor; and 3) all courses taken for a minor must be taken for graded credit. Any exceptions to these stipulations are indicated in the minor degree requirements listed below.
Requirements for the Minor
Completion of six units, distributed as follows:
- HUM 200, Homer to Hitchcock: the History of Ideas in the Arts
- EITHER three courses in Track I, OR three courses in Track II (see below).
- One course in Comparative Studies: Western/Non-Western Interfaces
- HUM 400, A Seminar in Digital Humanities.
Track I: Antiquity to the Renaissance
- CLSC 200 The Greco-Roman World (Humanistic Approaches)
- CLSC 321 Gods, Magic, and Mysteries: Greek and Roman Religion
- HUM 288 The Ideas of the Bible (Humanistic Approaches)
- HUM 302 Mystics, Knights, and Pilgrims: The Medieval Quest (Connections)
- HUM 303 Monstrous Middle Ages (Connections)
- HUM 367 Word and Image: Medieval Manuscript Culture (Artistic Approaches)
Track II: Renaissance to the Present?
- AFAM 375 The Harlem Renaissance (Connections)
- HUM 201 Art, Ideas, and Society (Humanistic Approaches)
- HUM 290 Introduction to Cinema Studies (Artistic Approaches)
- HUM 301 The Idea of the Self (Connections)
- HUM 315 Drama, Film, and the Musical Stage (Connections)
- HUM 316 The Lord of The Ring: Wagner’s Ring of the Nibelung (Connections)
- HUM 317 Liberation and Alienation: Intellectuals in Modern Europe
- HUM 320 Surveillance Society (Connections)
- HUM 327 Queer Cultures (Knowledge, Identity, and Power)
- HUM 337 Art and Culture in 16th and 17th Century Italy
- HUM 340 Film Genres
- HUM 360 Theory and Revolution in Advanced Capitalist Culture
- PHIL 360 Aesthetics
- PHIL 353 Philosophy and Film
Comparative Studies: Western/Non-Western Interfaces
- HUM 330 Tao and Landscape Art (Connections)
- HUM 335 Japan and the Dutch: a Cross-Cultural Visual Dialogue 1600 - 2000 (Connections)
- HUM 368 A Precious Barbarism: Enlightenment, Ideology, and Colonialism (Connections)