Honors Northwest Student Research Symposium

Honors Northwest Student Research Symposium at University of Puget Sound 2019-2020

  • Aliah McCord - Class of 2020 (Spanish Culture and Lit (BA); Pol & Govt (U.S.) (BA); Latina/o Studies (MN): "The communities left behind- the impact of migration to the United States on Oaxaca, Mexico"
  • Kate Gladhart-Hayes - Class of 2020 (Science,Tech, & Soc (BA); Neuroscience (MN): "The Half-Life of Environmental Racism: Reproductive Justice and Nuclear Technology on Indigenous Lands."
  • Erin Stewart - Class of 2020 (Biology (BS); Envr Policy & Dec Mkg (MN): "Beavers Buffering Blazes: The Potential Role of Castor canadensis in Mitigating Wildfire Impacts on Stream Ecosystems."
  • Kyra Zapf - Class of 2021 (English (BA); Intd Humanities-Globl Mid Ages):


Honors Northwest Student Research Symposium at Seattle University 2018-2019

Religion, Literature and Philosophy:

  • Samantha Lilly - Class of 2019 ( Philosophy (BA); Bioethics Program): "The need for new Approaches to Suicidality and Destigmatization"

Science, Engineering and Digital Humanities:

  • Meadow Poplawsky -Class of 2019 (Intl Political Econ (BA); Global Development Studies (MN); French (MN)): "The Impact of Transboundary Water Management on Human Security in Developing States"
  • Crystal Poole - Class of 2019 (Psychology (BA); Neuroscience (MN); Mathematics (MN)): "Metaphor and Mind: How the Brain Processes Metaphors"

International Relations:

  • Megan Sanders - Class of 2019 (Intl Political Econ (BA); Pol & Govt (Intrntl) (BA); Spanish (MN)): "Examining the Truth and Reconciliation Process"

Art, Education, and Value:

  • Ayse Hunt - Class of 2019 (Computer Sci (Standard) (BS); Art History (BA); Mathematics (MN)): "Digital Education, Access, and Visitor Engagement in the Art Museum"


Honors Northwest Student Research Symposium at Pacific Lutheran University 2017-2018

Gender Studies:

  • Helen Tschurr - Class of 2018 (History (BA); Religion (MN)): "Ladder to Heaven: An Evaluation of the Twelfth Century Latin Catholic Non-Dichotomous Spiritual Gender"

Environmental and Social Crisis:

  • Carlisle Huntington - Class of 2020 (English (BA); French (MN)): "Can Poetry Save the Earth?: A Study in Romantic Ecology"
  • Chanel Chawalit - Class of 2018 (Intl Political Econ (BA); Chinese (Lang/Culture) (BA); Asian Studies Program): "A Constructivist Perspective on the Rohingya Crisis"

Science, Gender and Culture:

  • Lillian Bengtson - Class of 2018 (Psychology (BA); Spanish (MN)): "Birth and Bonding: The Relationship between Intrapartum Autonomy and Material-Child Attachment"


Honors Northwest Student Research Symposium at Seattle Pacific University 2016-2017

Technology & Material Culture:

  • Rachel Anderson - Class of 2017 ( Science, Technology and Society, minors: Chinese and Religion): "Smoke, Steam, and Suffering: Religious Influences on Narratives of the Steam Engine and Opium in China, 1840-1860"
  • Matthew Moreno - Class of 2017 (Mathematics & Computer Science majors, minor in Chemistry): "Evolvability: What Is It and How Do We Get It?"


  • Frances Welsh - Class of 2017 (Molecular and Cell Biol (BS); Music (MN); Bioethics): "The Effect of Redox Environment on Function of the Drosophila PRL protein"
  • Sam Scott - Class of 2017 ( Psychology (BA); Neuroscience Program; Bioethics): "Understanding the Impact of Attachment Style on Stress in Pediatric Health Populations"


  • Megan Reich - Class of 2017 (Double majors in Music Performance and Biology): "Soundscape Composition: Music as Environmental Activism"