Experiential Learning

Theatre Arts

1500 N. Warner St. #1084
Tacoma, WA 98416-1084

Jones Hall, Room 101


Ticket Information

$20 General; $10 Student, Senior, non-Puget Sound student, military, and Puget Sound faculty/staff. Tickets sold at the LoggerStore, 253.879.2689, and online at tickets.pugetsound.edu. Remaining tickets available at the door.


Active and engaged learning experiences take place inside and outside the classroom throughout your four-year experience. Contact your advisor for more information on these and other opportunities.

Prepare as a Professional

  • Internships
    Learn about opportunities at professional theaters in the Puget Sound area and nationwide.
  • Performance Opportunities
    All students, regardless of major, are welcome to audition for faculty-directed mainstage productions. Audition announcements are made on the Theatre Arts Department’s Homepage, and through the department’s email listserve. Sign up for the listserve by emailing the office coordinator at theatre@pugetsound.edu.
  • Training
    Students have the opportunity to get hands on training experience in lighting, set building, and costume construction.
  • Shadowing opportunities
    Students can apply for departmental scholarships that allow them to work closely with with professors and guest artists as designers, dramaturgs, assistant directors, stage crew, and classroom pedagogs. There are also occasional opportunities to shadowing with local theatre companies such as Art Barn. Speak with department faculty for details.
  • Student Groups
    The Barebones Collective and Ubiquitous They Improv & Sketch Comedy are student-run organizations that offer additional opportunities for students to write, direct, and perform.
  • Professional Resources

Experience the World

Engage Your Community

  • Guest Artists
    We host a variety of guest artists throughout the year. Learn about opportunities to attend presentations and performances.
  • Audition
    Students can audition for off-campus productions in the Seattle/Tacoma area. Theatre Puget Sound provides stage and film audition listings for community and professional productions, which are made available to anyone who joins. Individual membership fees start at $55 annually.
  • Attend performances, events, exhibitions
    Students have access to a wide array of professional and community productions in both Tacoma and Seattle. In addition to attending performances as part of course study, students can utilize several resources to seek out performances, events, and exhibitions to attend. The News Tribune Go section, The Weekly Volcano, The Stranger, Seattle Theatre Guide, and SeattleTheatre.com are just a few sites that provide event and performance listings. Click here for a list of theatre in our area that offer discounted tickets for university students.

Conduct Research

  • Summer research opportunities
    Students can partner with faculty members to conduct research during the summer term. Contact your faculty adviser for details or apply for a summer research grant.
  • Independent study/directed research/senior thesis coursework
    Students can conduct independent studies or engage in direct research to pursue topics that may not otherwise be available through our traditional course offerings. Talk with faculty members or apply for departmental scholarships to further explore these opportunities.



Alumni Adam Davis ’07 is founder of Wheelhouse Workshop. After graduating from University of Puget Sound, Adam earned a Master’s degree in education with a focus in Drama Therapy from Antioch University in Seattle. He is a recognized member of the North American Drama Therapy Association and also works as an educator for the Seattle Public Schools. Wheelhouse Workshop specializes in working with teenagers who struggle with behavioral or mental health diagnoses. Wheelhouse’s mission is to provide a fun and collaborative space for teens to feel supported in the development of social skills with others who share similar life experiences.


Alumni Sally Eames ’89 was awarded Wall Street Journal’s Best Performance in a Play for her 2012 appearance in Alan Ayckbourn’s "Woman in Mind." Her portrayal of a brain-damaged woman who mistakes fantasies of a loving family for the real thing was hailed as "hauntingly true to life."

Backstage Manager, Teatro ZinZanni

Alumni Anne Gish ’04 serves as the backstage manager for Teatro ZinZanni, whose productions are part circus, part dinner theatre, and always magical. Anne’s work includes everything from readying props and costumes to rigging trapeze artists for safe flight. “What happens backstage at Teatro ZinZanni is just about as crazy as what happens during the show,” she says, calling the company "One big, happy freak-show family.”

Oscar Winner, Visual Effects

Alumni Walt Jones ’01 was responsible for overseeing digital oceans and skies in Ang Lee’s Life of Pi, earning an Oscar for his work. "I still remember walking out of the screening room on the Fox lot in awe of what we accomplished," he says. "I imagine it’s like climbing Everest and when you get to the top, you’re elated at pulling off the amazing feat but still unable to really comprehend the effort required to make it happen."