Study Abroad

Students in the Neuroscience program can study abroad and receive elective credits towards their Neuroscience minor or emphasis. Please note that if you are interested in applying for the study abroad program, you will need to receive prior approval for the courses you plan to take. This is to ensure that you will receive credit for the courses you take, and allows us to ensure that the student learning experience will be maximized during your travels.

When students go on study abroad, we encourage them to:

  1. Maintain an e-journal of class and research experiences while abroad (updated weekly or twice a month)
  2. Touch base via Zoom or email at least twice during the semester to discuss the nature of ongoing classes 
  3. If possible, speak remotely to the NRSC 201 class about their experience/speak with NRSC 201 class about experience after they return.
  4. If possible, talk to at least 2 professors about their work in Neuroscience, interests and techniques used (a template of 3 questions is available by request).
  5. If possible, provide a copy of course material upon return for use in departmental database.

These are not required, but will enhance both your experience and that of students to follow. If you need clarifications or have ideas, feel free to contact the Neuroscience program at or the Neuroscience Chair.

To see a view into our Neuro students abroad: Neuro Beyond the Sound