
Theatre Arts

1500 N. Warner St. #1084
Tacoma, WA 98416-1084

Jones Hall, Room 101


Ticket Information

$20 General; $10 Student, Senior, non-Puget Sound student, military, and Puget Sound faculty/staff. Tickets sold at the LoggerStore, 253.879.2689, and online at Remaining tickets available at the door.

The 2025-26 University of Puget Sound Theatre Scholarship

Scholarship applications for the 2025-2026 academic year are due by January 15, 2025 for incoming students and April 4, 2025 for continuing students. Notification of awards will be made in April of 2025 for incoming students, in April for continuing students.

Scholarships are available for new and continuing students. We present awards based on our perception of students’ ability to contribute to the Theatre Arts program as well-rounded students of theater.

The department offers scholarships to encourage talented and hard working students to participate in theater at Puget Sound. We are most interested in students who are seeking a well rounded liberal arts education and a thorough background in all aspects of theater, particularly students who can participate in theatrical activity while also maintaining excellent grade point averages. We offer a one time award of $1500 to $2000 to exceptional incoming students. Continuing sophomore, junior, and senior students are eligible to apply for Course Assistant scholarships for our acting and core classes and Production Support scholarships in costume, dramaturgy, house management/outreach, lighting, research, stage management, sound or props. In addition to these, we also offer a limited number of scholarships to sophomores, juniors, and seniors for exceptional academic achievement and outstanding contributions to the theater program.

  1. A ONE page resume detailing your theatrical experience. Be sure to include your name and address and phone number.
  2. A ONE page letter describing your intentions for studying theater here at Puget Sound - whether you intend to major, minor, or simply participate in co-curricular productions. Also discuss your reasons for coming to a strong liberal arts university instead of one which offers specialized "theater only" training. In this letter, indicate whether you have applied and been accepted to the university. Only those who have a University of Puget Sound application on file may be considered for the scholarship, and and only those who have officially been admitted can be offered theater scholarships.
  3. A photo (face only).
  4. ONE letter of recommendation from a teacher or director who can comment on your talent, work ethic, discipline, and ability to maintain good grades while doing theater work.

In addition to the four items listed above, a video is required for acting emphasis applications. We accept videos via YouTube, Vimeo, or other sharing sites. Prepare one monologue of no more than three minutes. The selection must be from a REALISTIC published play in the twentieth century and may be comic or serious. If you would like, you may also prepare a song of no more than two minutes (optional). Please note that we are not interested in a video of the applicant in school/community productions, etc. You must follow the guidelines listed above. This allows for consistency among the auditioners. The URL to your video must be submitted along with your application by March 25, 2024.


There is no audition video required for those students primarily interested in production areas such as scenery, costumes, dramaturgy, lights, props, sound or stage management. Simply send us items 1 through 4 and add a paragraph to your letter which describes your major contributions to theater production areas. No audition tape is needed for this area of emphasis. Due date, March 25, 2024 It is particularly important for your letter of recommendation to detail your theater work in production areas.

For further information: Please send us an email, or call the Theatre Arts Office Coordinator at 253.879.3330.


Scholarship applications for continuing students are due no later than April 4, 2025.

You can find the form here:

Application Form for Theatre Arts Scholarships

Applications are accepted in the spring for opportunities include two major categories: 1. course assistants (acting pedagogues, core pedagogues); 2. production (dramaturgy intern, house manager, lighting management, props management, research intern, scene painting, sound management, stage management, wardrobe management). Read the "Scholarship Descriptions and Responsibilities" (PDF) prior to application. Each scholarship will carry an award of up to $2000 per semester and is contingent upon full time enrollment on the main campus. Special arrangements may be made for students enrolled for one semester in an approved study abroad program. There may be additional awards that may be less than $2000 per semester, but you will be advised of the award amount before being asked to accept.



Acting Pedagogues serve as course assistants in Fundamentals of Acting, Characterization and Craft, and The Actor and the Classical Repertoire.  


  1. Acting Pedagogues may be used in THTR 215 (Fundamentals of Acting), THTR 300 (Characterization and Craft), or THTR 310 (The Actor and the Classical Repertoire). 
  2. Pedagogues attend class meetings on a regular basis throughout the semester (but do not need to attend every class session). They assist with setting up and restoring the space, observing and taking notes, critiquing individual and group scene work, leading vocal and physical warm ups, and demonstrating acting concepts in class and lab as requested by the instructor. 
  3. Pedagogues meet with the instructor outside of class on a regular basis to plan for class exercises or share observations of student rehearsals outside of class.
  4. Pedagogues attend the performance of shows outside of class time with the class.
  5. Pedagogues meet with individuals and groups of students outside of class to coach them for performance assignments.
  6. Pedagogues complete the university’s online tutorial regarding sexual harassment and sign a non-disclosure agreement. 
  7. Pedagogues stay in regular email contact with the instructor and respond to student questions over email.
  8. Pedagogues alert the course instructor to any developing issues within student scenes and provide qualitative and quantitative information to the instructor about rehearsals and performances that factor into the grades for the class.  In some cases, pedagogues will grade quizzes or exams from a key of answers. Pedagogues do not give subjective grades or enter grades on websites.



Core Pedagogues serve as course assistants in Theatrical Experience and other Connections and Critical Conversations classes taught by theatre faculty. 


  1. Core Pedagogues may be used in THTR 200 (The Theatrical Experience) or Connections and Critical Conversations classes taught by theatre faculty. 
  2. Pedagogues attend class meetings on a regular basis throughout the semester (but do not need to attend every class session). They participate in discussion, help to lead acting exercises, and interact with students as a scene coach or writing respondent.
  3. Pedagogues meet with the instructor outside of class on a regular basis to plan for class exercises or share observations of student rehearsals outside of class.
  4. Pedagogues attend the performance of shows outside of class time with the class.
  5. Pedagogues meet with groups of students outside of class to coach them for scene performances.
  6. Pedagogues complete the university’s online tutorial regarding sexual harassment and a nondisclosure statement.
  7. Pedagogues stay in regular email contact with instructors and respond to student questions over email.
  8. Pedagogues alert the course instructor to any developing issues within student project groups and provide qualitative and quantitative information to the instructor about rehearsals and performances that factor into the grades for the class.  In some cases, pedagogues will grade quizzes or exams from a key of answers. Pedagogues do not give subjective grades or enter grades on websites.



Each scholarship listed below will carry an award of up to $2000 and is contingent upon full time enrollment on the main campus. Special arrangements may be made for students enrolled for one semester in an approved study abroad program. The number and type of the awards may vary from year to year and some partial awards may be made depending on the applicant pool.

  • Dramaturgy
  • Assistant Director
  • Stage Manager/Assistant Stage Manager
  • Sound
  • Props
  • Lighting
  • Wardrobe
  • House Management
  • Outreach
  • Social Media/Publicity
  • Research

Students who are awarded Stage Management, Dramaturgy, and Assistant Director, and Wardrobe scholarship positions are not eligible to be cast in the faculty-directed mainstage production for that semester.


  1. 2.5 cumulative grade average or better.
  2. Full time enrollment on the main campus. Special arrangements may be made for students enrolled for one semester in an approved study abroad program.

Application forms for Theatre Scholarships for continuing students are due no later than April 4, 2025.